Chapter 1

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            As I got to the school building I saw a few cars outside the front door. ‘Great, I’m not going to be the only person here anymore.’ I thought. ‘Hopefully Bender will be here.’ I always get along with Bender. He’s like my partner in crime. It was hilarious how we met at first, we hated each other.

It was a couple Saturdays ago when it was just the two of us together serving detention. Our Principle Vernon was watching us, per usual, and we both caused so much trouble for him, we had to stay for more Saturdays.

When I first got there Bender was acting like a complete prick as usual and got on my nerves real easily. It wasn’t till later I realized that he was only acting that way because of, A, how he was raised and how his life is at home.

B, because it was his way of getting to know me.

And, C, he was just messing around for the most part and telling the Gods honest truth. After that we caused Hell for anyone that gave us a hard time.

            Someone messed with him; him and I would team up and cause hell, and probably in the end get a Saturday detention. Anyone messed with me; he would beat the shit out of them and then as usual, get a detention. Believe it or not but we would get detentions just to be able to hand out with each other.

For example, if Bender got three Saturday detentions, then I would get three Saturday detentions. If I got four Saturday detentions and Bender had two, he would make it so he would get two more so neither of us had to be alone. He’s my best friend and I can honestly say that I kind of like him.

            In the first car, a pretty princess dwelled. And followed behind her were an athlete and a brain. I looked over quickly when a car pulled up and almost hit a kid. And that kid was Bender. I smiled as he smirked at me when he walked up next to me. “Hello beautiful.” He greeted. I grinned at his smiling face.

“Hello Bender. You seem very cheery this morning. That’s never good.” I joked. He shrugged his shoulders. “You’re here. Why wouldn’t I be happy?” I laughed at his cheesy comment and headed inside.

As we made our way in, Bender started touching and taking things off of the checkout desk. I roll my eyes at him and try not to laugh at his idiocy. He walked over to where the brain kid was sitting.

‘I think his name is Brian.’ I thought. Anyways, he walked over to where the brain kid was sitting and points to the table on the opposite side of the library. Again I rolled my eyes at Bender. I do that a lot with him.

Bender sits at the table and kicks his feet up, pulling out a chair for me at the same time. When I sat down he kicked his legs up onto the desk, making himself comfortable. Smiling at how he scared Brian out of the seat I still walked over and playfully smacked him on the back of the head.

He smirked a bit at me, and I rolled my eyes in a response. Then some girl dressed in all black and hair covering her face, and sat down in the back. Not looking back and not facing us. We all looked up when our ass of a Principle Vernon, came walking in.

“Well, well. Here we are. I want to congratulate you for being on time…” Immediately he reminded me of my father. The way he strutted into the library, looked at all of use with judging eyes, and an attitude as if he owned the place and owned us. Automatically I feel my muscles tense and my hands clench. I saw Bender out of the corner of my eye look over at me, noticing my new posture. He knows about what goes on in my house.

He’s seen the scars, and the bruises. We know each other’s story.

I remember one time, things got so bad at my house that I literally ran in the middle of him beating me. Tears running down my face, bile in the back of my throat as if I’m about to get sick and my stomach churning, because of how scared I was.

My shirt collar ripped because of how my father was grabbing me. My face burning from how many times he slapped me. Anyways I ran, afraid for my life. I had no idea where I was going, all I know is that I was running and I didn’t want to go back. After a while the tears stopped and I found myself at some park. I still had no idea where the fuck I was.

That was until Bender found me. He saw the huge bruise on my face and since we were already friends he was there for me. He held me as I cried and whipped away all the tears and hair out of my face.

Pulling me out of the memory, the Princess spoke. “Excuse me, sir. I think there’s been a mistake, I know it’s detention but, um, I don’t think I belong in here.” She said. I rolled my eyes at her comment. Vernon ignored her which made me smirk a bit. He looked at his watch and spoke again.

“It is now 7:06; you have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about why you’re here… to ponder the error of your ways.” I rolled my eyes again at him. I tend to do that a lot here. But, hey it’s better than being home. John tilted his head back and spit in the air before catching it in his mouth.

I snickered at him as the Princess made a disgusted noise. John smirked at me as Vernon glared between the two of us. “You may not talk,” He turned to look at Brian as he started to switch seats, “You will not move from these seats.” Brian moved back to his original seat. Vernon moved over towards John and me and pushed my feet, which were up on the desk, onto the floor.

This made me jump a bit; I don’t like being touched like that, in any aggressive way. John noticed how uncomfortable I was and tensed like how I did. “And you two… will not sleep.” I cleared my throat and sat up straight.

“Alright people, we’re gonna try something a little different today. We are going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of no less than 1000 words, describing to me who do you think you are.”

I started playing with my hands, not entirely sure on what to do next, just waiting for the chance to piss Vernon off. “This a test?” Asked John, who found a chance to nag at Vernon. Vernon ignored John and continued; John lifted his feet and sat them on the table like I did. I copied his movement.

“And when I say essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times, is that clear Mr. Bender?” “Crystal.” He answered. “Oh well, there goes my plan.” I say. John grinned at my comment. “So, how about this?” I paused for effect. “How about I write all the reasons why I think you’re an ass?” Everyone smiled a bit but Vernon glared.

“That’s a Saturday detention for you missy.” I rolled my eyes and exhaled an over dramatic breath. “Damn, my dad’s gonna be mad at me.” I looked down at my hands and then looked back up when I thought of something else. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I don’t give a shit. Cause I’m willing to tell the truth and say that you’re a complete fuck tarred.”

He put his hands on his waist and growled. “That’s two more there young lady. Keep it up.” I inhaled, while ‘thinking’ about my decisions. “No, I’m done for now.” He stopped talking to me and kind of repeated what he said before I interrupted him. “Is that clear, Ms. Read?” I looked up at him and used Benders answer. “Crystal.”

“ Good. Maybe you’ll learn a little about yourself. Maybe you’ll even decide whether or not you care to return.” I zoned out a little while after he spoke. I only started paying attention after Bender spoke again.

“Yea. I got a question. Does Berry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?” I snorted at his question. Everyone else just smiled and tried not to laugh at his comment. Vernon glared. “I’ll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender next Saturday. And another one for you Ms. Read. Don’t mess with the bull, you two, you’ll get the horns.” I smiled at this. I’m on a roll so far. After Vernon left Bender said. “That man is a Brownie Hound.”

“Hell yea.” I agreed. I looked at Bender and he smiled at me, while I had a smirk on my face. “I’m on a roll this morning.” He laughed a bit. “Well, let’s see. I have four and you have… one.” He snickered at me and said with a smile. “I’m working on it.” Smirking I tilted my head back and started to take of my jacket.

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