Chapter two

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I woke up the next day in my room. My head was throbbing, my body was sore and I was still in last night top. What the fuck happened last night? I touched my thigh and to my surprise, it stung hardcore. I removed my blanket and on my thigh was a rose tattoo. A huge tattoo. I gasped and ran to Danielle's room.

"Danielle!", I said as I ran in and jumped on top of her.
She groaned and opened her eyes. "Evelin, it's too early." She covered her head with her blanket.

"Danny, what the fuck is this?", I said pointing to my thigh. She sighed and uncovers her head to look.

"You got a tattoo yesterday.", she said, "I'll tell you later. I'm super hungover and tired." She covered her head again. I pouted and went back to my room. I laid in my bed and my head started to throb again. I got up to take some pills off my counter and went to sleep again.

~ ~ ~

The startle noise of someone in the kitchen woke me up. I sat up and looked at the time. It read 2:00 pm and I was still in bed. My head continued to throb slightly as I walked to Danielle's room. I found her watching cartoons.

"Eves, your up.", she said. She winced a little and grabbed her head. I chuckled.

"Yes, but I have this nasty hangover.", I said as I climbed into bed with her. She laughs then looks at my thigh.

"Wow. Can't believe you actually went for it.", she said observing it. It was a red, purplish rose, stem and all. On top it said 'Darling' and under it said ' You'll be okay'. I smiled.

"Jeez, how the fuck did you guys convince me to get this?", I asked.

"Well, I remember we just got out of the bar and we were hella drunk. We walked past a tattoo shop. The one I told you about and we gave each other looks and smiled. We took hands and walked in. I showed the guy what you had an idea of and he did it. I also remember how you wanted to hold my hand cause you were scared", she said. I laughed.

"Well, I guess I can say I'm from Cali now.", I said as I touched my thigh. We laughed and got up.

Jessica was in the kitchen making pancakes, sausage and some bacon.

"Awe. This is cute.", I said taking a seat in the island counter in the kitchen. She looked back and smiled at me.

"I thought it would be the cherry topper to your welcome to Cali life. But I also had a bad headache and needed to distract myself.", she said. I laughed and she handed me and Danielle a plate. She grabbed herself one as well and sat around the counter with us and talked about last night.

"Evelin, you got so fucked up. Like I've never seen you out like that. Smoking hookahs and acting you knew everything I was like this must be what she was hiding since school.", Jessica said.

"Oh my god? Really? Well I mean I was in school for so long. , I forgot how it felt like to be free like that", I told them. I felt myself turning red. They laughed.

"That was too good to see. I missed that Evelin.", she chuckled. I laughed and stood up.

"Have you guys checked the mail? I'm expecting my diploma in soon. I already gave them this address.", I asked.

"No. Can you go out real quick please?", Danielle asked. I nodded and slipped on my slippers to head out. Sunny, warm weather was bright outside and it felt so good to finally have consistent weather. I opened the mailbox and there was magazines and an envelope. It had my name on it from my mom. I opened it and found a letter.


I'm so proud of you. Finally graduated. You've become such an amazing women and i couldn't ask for more from you. I hope these will make you very happy and a start of a relaxed start at life. I was the first to buy these for you and your friends because I know how much they love you and care for you. I love you and hope to hear from you soon.

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