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Darting through the shops was the only thing that my mind was focused on. It had been a week since Sam had died and I was scurrying through the shops to get my weekly groceries for my mother. I was pacing down an aisle with large shelves towering around me when I felt someone bump me,

"Sorry," I heard an all too familiar voice say. The apology rung in my ears as I turned around to see if my inference was real. Sure enough, when I turned around I was greeted by a tall, blonde haired, beautiful eyed young man. He flashed a smile and I returned the gesture,

"I didn't think I would see you again after primary school," These were the only words that crossed my mind to say. I immediately regretted it, trying to make the dreams that I had of mine and Nick's first encounter become a reality,

"I didn't think I would see you again either. How have you been the past two years?" My palms became sweaty and my knees were weak, just being in the presence of Nick made me a mess. I smiled at how genuine he was before I responded,

"Well everything has been pretty great. School has been good but last week my best friend Sam died. She was killed at school from a tree falling on our classroom," Nick frowned at my words. Tears started to form in my eyes making me realise that I still wasn't over Sam's death. Nick noticed and seemed hesitant before embracing me in a hug. As my head was against his chest I took a moment to take in his distinct fragrance, a manly deodorant that was too good to miss,

"I'm sorry for your loss. It's good to know that you have been good though. You have crossed my mind every now and then and I always wonder if my best friend is still doing well," I pulled away from the hug before it became awkward. The thought had crossed my mind that Nick could still be dating Brittney. Although I didn't want to face it, the possibility was still there,

"Well enough about me, how have you been? Still dating Brittney?" The question may have come across as sudden but I needed to know. Nick made eye contact with me and my stomach turned inside out. His smile turned upside down the slightest bit,

"I have been great. I have made heaps of friends at school and yes, I am still dating Brittney," His last words made my head drop to look at my feet. It made me contemplate running away but I had to be strong. My overwhelming love for Nick took over my body and before I knew it I had word vomit, letting out all of the words that I should've said a long time ago,

"Nick, I really need to tell you something that has been bothering me forever. I understand that you are still dating Brittney but I have a love for you that is like fire. It burns within me and it can never be extinguished. I have loved you ever since primary school and the fact that you aren't mine kills me every day. Just seeing you today has made me feel something that I haven't felt since the last time I saw you. My stomach has been full of butterflies since I ran into you a few minutes ago and my palms are sweating like crazy. I can't even make eye contact with you without my knees feeling weak. We may only be young but you make me feel something that no one else can make me feel and if that isn't love then I don't know what is," Nick's gaze pierced through me as he stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. I realised the words that I just said and it crossed my mind that I could possibly be rejected. My brain became overpowered and before I knew it I was sprinting out of the shops, thinking that it would enable me to escape reality. Although it was a meaningless attempt, I just found myself running for no reason. My legs began to ache so I decided to stop in a park. I found a bench to rest on. I planted my face in my hands and began to rethink all of the actions that I had taken in the shops. I felt nothing but angst. What if Nick never talked to me again? What if he doesn't like me back?

I rested on that bench for a while before I pulled my face out of my hands, scanned my surroundings and I saw someone approaching me. My first reaction was to walk away, knowing that this person could be a predator, but once I realised who it was I stayed in my place. Nick came and took a seat next to me. I didn't dare to look at him, knowing that I would fall apart almost instantly,

"Grace, you are truly a beautiful, hilarious, attractive and caring person. I was under exaggerating before in the shops when I said you had crossed my mind every now and then. The truth is that ever since we said goodbye to each other two years ago, every second of every day, my thoughts have been of you. Although, my memory could never capture your true beauty, your smile or your laugh. I have been waiting ever since for the day that I would see you again. Brittney was just a girl that told me the things that I wanted to hear. I played it safe by going for her because I was too afraid to face rejection from you if you didn't feel the same way. Although, now that I know you feel the same way, a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I can show my love for the girl that I have loved all along. I know that you are probably going to ask about Brittney, but I just called her and broke up with her. She isn't the girl I want to be with, you are and you always have been," Nick's small speech made me gain the courage to look at him. Our eyes met and I knew that Nick's words were genuine. The fact that he never liked Brittney made me feel much more confident in myself. I knew that Nick never really just wanted the 'picture perfect girl'. He wanted me. Nick's hazel eyes changed their gaze towards my lips, before returning to look at my eyes. Before I knew it, we were both leaning in and our lips connected. A small firework show was going on within my stomach. After a few seconds we both pulled away and Nick embraced me in a warm hug. After all of the waiting, making awkward eye contact and talking on the phone until one in the morning, I could finally call Nick mine. This was the day that I had felt truly happy for the first time in my life and it was in the moment that Nick and I's lips connected that I knew I was in love.

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