Anniversary "date"

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The time was here. It was three years.... Three fucking years of my relationshit.My phone started ringing 'sweater weather' it was Chris.
" Hey babe. I'm ready?"
" Yeah whatever. Be out in 5"
I looked in the mirror and checked myself out. Damn i look good,like always. I walked outside and got in the car. We didn't speak. He jut drove. About 20 minutes later we pulled up to McDonalds. I know this nig-, half nigga is not taking me McDonald's. I looked at him he gave me this look The look that said,
"Skip dinner and lets get to dessert"
I could have bitch slapped him right then but,he gave me his puppy dog eyes.
"Take me home Chris." I said plainly.
" Nope. I still want my dessert."
" There is a McDonald's right there you better get you a ice cream cone." I said meaning every word.
" Stop playing lolo.Okay just come back to my house we ain't gotta do nothing. Just chill with me."
" Ain't yo parents home?"
"Naw.... vacation. Just come please."
"Fine. Touch me and your ass is grass.
We drove all the way to his house. when i walked in i slipped off my shoes and sat on the couch.
"You want something to drink?" He asked.
" Sprite please!" I said with fake happiness.
He came back about 2 minutes later and handed me a cup. I drank it in 4 gulps. About 10 minutes later i started feeing really lightheaded and dizzy.The last thing i remember was being in Chris' bed and seeing a red light.

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