Can we talk about it

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Lordeous POV

I woke up tired as hell. I couldn't get that kiss out of my mind. I'm so stupid! Why did I kick him out? I went into my bathroom and did my hygiene stuff and went to my closet. I put on a plain white shirt, khaki jeggings, and my grape 5's. I looked at my red curls in the mirror. I decided to put my hair in a donut bun. I put on some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my book bag and walked to the bus stop. The bus arrived. As we pulled up to the next stop Trey got on and say next to me.

"Can we talk about this?" he asked me.

"There is nothing to talk about." I said while getting up and moving seats. We eventually pulled up to the school. I walked to my locker only to see the words slut and whore spray painted on them. I felt my eyes begin to water. I got my books and shut my locker while trying to avoid Trey's stare. I walked to the bathroom and broke down. I sat there and cried. I cried until my eyes stung. 30 minutes later I got up and looked in the mirror. My mascara had run and my face was a black mess. I rinsed my face off with water and walked out the bathroom. The hallways were clear. I seen a girl walking down the hallway looking very clueless. I kept walking as I seem her walk in my direction.

"Hey uhmm excuse me do you know where mrs. Minaj........ are you okay?" she asked me.

"I'm fine." I said trying to walk off.

"Well I'm new... I don't know where any of these classes are... can you help me?"

"Yea. Sure." I said forcing a smile on my face. I looked at her schedule.

"We have all the same classes except for 5th period." I continued.

"Thanks for helping me... but now it's my turn to help you. You look awful." She said bluntly.

"Well geez thanks." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that. You just look like you had a rough morning. Show me to the bathroom." She said. I walked back into the bathroom. She reached in her bag an pulled out a makeup bag. She reapplied my make up and mascara.

"There you go. You're to pretty to cry. If you ever need a confidence boost just look in the mirror and say 'Self! I am the shit! Fuck everybody else!'"

I laughed.

"Thank you....." I said dragging it out hoping she would say her name.

"Oh my name is Antonia Houze." She said. (A/N: Antonia will be played by India Westbrooks)

"Okay... Antonia.. my name is Lordeous Rodriguez. Most people call me lolo. I'm a cheerleader or at least I was.."

"Awww what happened?"

"Long story. Not important." I said stifling a smile. I examined her features. High cheek bones. Perfect smile. Caramel complexion. Pierced nose. Naturally curly hair and a coke bottle figure. Guys were gonna be all over her.

"Well I guess we better get going." She says seeing as we already missed home room and were 10 minutes late to 1st period. We walked to Mrs. Minaj classroom. We both walked in and eyes were on us.

"DAMNNNNNNNN!" yelled a group of guys.

"They both fine as hell."

"Naw man that's Chris' ex girl."

"Shitttt she still fine." I heard the guys saying.

"Why are you late." Mrs. Minaj asked me.

"I was showing Antonia around. She new...obviously." I said.

"Well introduce yourself Antonia." Said Mrs. Minaj. She walked to the front of the classroom as I walked to the back saving a seat for her. I looked over to see Trey watching me. I quickly turned to the front.

"Well my name is Antonia Houze. My favorite color is pink and I'm 17." She said. She walked to where I was, and sat in the seat I saved for her. Mrs. Minaj started talking. I felt a paper hit the side of my head. I looked around rolling my eyes. I picked it up and opened it.

From Trey: Can we please talk about it at lunch?

I looked at him and nodded my head yes. He smiled.


*skips to lunch*

I walked with Antonia to lunch.

"It's surprising how so many thirsty guys can be in ONE school." She said genuinely surprised. Over the course of the next two periods I explained the Chris situation to her and how much of an asshole he is. I told her it might hurt her reputation being seen with me but just like Trey, she didn't care. She's a really cool person. We both got lunch and sat down. I seen Trey walk over to us.

"Hey....uhmmm Antonia right... can I borrow lolo for a sec?" He said while motioning me to go in the hallway. I got up an followed him.

"I know that kiss was really..... unexpected but... it was in the moment." He said. I was actually kinda disappointed. I liked the kiss but to him it was just, 'in the moment'.

"I agree. It can not happen again." I said not meaning a word I said. I kinda wanted it to happen again, minus the me throwing him out part. He nodded as we walked back to the cafeteria. He sat at the table with me and Antonia. We seen Derek approaching.

"Man I pissed how Camille gon get 'sick' and we just started this project. How the hell am I supposed to finish it?" he said while rolling his eyes.

"Well.... I can work with you." Antonia said politely as I shook my head no.

"I would like that very much." He said while licking his lips looking her up and down. Derek was pretty cute. Puerto Rican, Curly Afro, hazel eyes nice build and was at least 6'1. While him being great looking, he was also a trouble maker, a player, and Trey's bestfriend. Trey just shook his head at Derek as did I. Them. Working together. Bad news. On Derek's part.


Derek's POV (A/N: I'm going to try to do everyone's POV once in a while)

Antonia is fine as hell. Not to mention her body. She has the body of a goddess. Her an lolo...... god... they got some of the best bodies in the school. Imma back off of lolo though. That's Trey's girl. Yeah, Trey likes her. As much as he doesn't wanna admit it, he does. My mission is to get Antonia... and make her mine.

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