30 day Fairy Tail Challenge

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Ok ok ok so your extremely lazy author decided to do this challenge because I was bored so here you go....

1.Favorite Character
A:hmmmm....This is really hard...probably Yuriy Dreyar or if you want it from the new era then Kyôka(Tartaros arc)
2.Least Favorite Character
Probably Lissana because I still see NO point in her being there I mean not that I want Mira and Elfman to be sad but I just I can't seem to bring myself to like her.
3.Least Favorite Fairy Tail Memeber
Like I said Lissana
4.Favorite Celestial Spirit
Hmm....Probably Virgo because she's just ridiculously funny.
5.Favorite Episode
Episode 202 because it's just freaking hilarious
6.Favorite Opening
It's probably Opening 22 or 15 they're both really good in my opinion.
7.Favorite ending
Either ending 5 or ending 11 or ending 18
8.A type of Magic you would like to have
  Hmm...Either God Serena's(If you read the manga you know who he is so he has like Avatar the last Airbender dragon slaying magic) or Mard Geer's Curse(being able to manipulate vinesXD)
9.My favorite villain
It would probably be Mard Geer or Kyôka
10.Fairy Tail couples that you support
Ok ok ok...so I am one of those shippers that ship the most UNCOMMON ships so I ship NaZa,Gruvia,Gale,Roguino,
Stingerva(I thing that's how you spell it),Lokgo(Loke,Virgo)and Kyôka X Mard Geer(idk the ship name)
11.Funniest character
I personally think it's Gajeel but Freed is also pretty funny
12.Favorite Story Arc
Hmm...Its Tartaros...
13.Least Favorite story arc....
All you Gray Lovers will hate me(I don't care) but it's the daphne arc when Gray turns 'Evil'
14.Favorite Minor character...
I don't know probably the one guy that's always at the mission board but like never gets a job.
15.A Celestial Spirit's Power you want
  I want Aries' fluff balls of death
16.Favorite Edolas Character
...Does Mystogan count?
17.Most Epic Scene Ever
When Gajeel and Natsu team up to beat Sting and Rogue
When Natsu,Sting,Rogue,and Gray team up to beat Mard Geer and Jiemma
When Erza and Natsu Teamed up to 'destroy' the moon
When Lucy beats Jackal
....you know if I keep going your going to be here for hours so...
18.best Chapter
...when I meet God Serena.....
19.A character you wish wasn't dead
   ...Simon...and or Future Lucy...or Mard Geer....or Kyôka...or Igneel...or Ultear but that's about it...
20.Favorite soundtrack
   ...Tenroujima's Soundtrack...
21.Something you wished didn't happen
  ....Igneel's Death*tears up*
22.Saddest Scene
...Igneel's Death...
23.Funniest Scene/Episode
  Night of the living Meeeeen
24.Character with the saddest past...
Natsu(I don't understand how people don't think his childhood  sad),Minerva,Lector's.(oh come on you can't expect me to pick one!)
25.A character you wish was real...
All of them
26.Favorite fight
Igneel vs Acnologia
27.Favorite Seven Kin of Purgatory
28. Rate Fairy Tail 1/10
29.Why you Like or Love it
It's just really interesting to me,I mean it really captures my attention
30.How you got into Fairy Tail
...I blame Quotev(ok so I took this quiz on quotev to see which anime I would be in and it showed to me Fairy Tail so just like imma watch this now)

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