Part 6 - Truth or dare

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Hey! I'm just passing by, as always. I want to apologize if anyone will think, that story is boring till the Truth or dare part. I tried my best. Enjoy ^.^

(Vanoss POV)
I was pretty pissed when I saw Delirious grabbing Craig and leaving my house.

What? Does that mean he's into Craig? Or Craig into Jonathan? Are they dating together?

I helped the others to settle down and we played games. I tried to enjoyed the time without Delirious, but it was really hard. Once they returned, I went straight to Craig.

"Can we talk?" I ask and ignored Delirious.

He glanced over my best friend and then silently nodded to me. I led him to my room to have silence and calm.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked me bit nervous.

Ok I can't be too hard on him. Just wanna know if he's dating Delirious, don't wanna scare him away.

I narrowed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"So how was that walk?" I asked with smile and tried not sound that jealousy.

He smiled back at me and nod his head.

"Nice. I gotta say, this weather isn't that bad. That's why you took me aside? Just to ask me, how was the walk?"

"You fancy Delirious?" I asked.

Fucking hell. I didn't want to ask him straight. Now he knows I'm into my best friend. Fuck!

Craig smiled and looked down to his feet.

"Maybe?" he answered and my heart started to race.

"Does he fancy you?" He glanced over me with grin on his face.

"Why do you ask, Vanoss? Why do you care?"

"Because I'm his best friend. I'm here to protect him and I wanna know the answers. So?" I caught myself, that I rose my voice in anger.

"Calm down, dude. I have a feeling you have crush on him."

I did a few steps towards him, while he backed off to the wall. I stopped a few centimeters before him. I noticed, how his eyes widened in fear and how his breath was heavier.

I would never hit my friend. Although if he hurt Delirious, then maybe yes.

"We will have secret together, ok? You won't tell nobody, what did we talk about here and I won't tell about your little crush on Delirious." He pushed me away and nodded his head.

"Fine. Just one thing... you're overprotective to your best friend." With that he left the room.

I hope he won't tell. Dammit! He knows that I like Delirious more then a friend. I wanted to avoid it, but my jealousy betrayed me.

I sighed and returned to my friends. I couldn't enjoyed any seconds knowing that Craig could
tell Delirious. I had to act quick. I went straight to my best friend. He was watching Lui play with Cartoonz GTA V.

"Hey," I greeted him and he smiled at me.

"Vanoss? Wanna join us?" asked Lui and I shook my head.


"Don't be a bitch, Vanoss. Come and join." Cartoonz joined into conversation.

"Yeah, Vanoss.... don't be a bitch. Lui thinks he can beat everyone in here. And I gotta say, he's good. Of course he hasn't played with me yet," said Delirious and I sighed.

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