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Popular, Nada Surf "I'm the party star, I'm popular. I've got my own car, I'm popular."

I'm woken up in the morning by my phone ringing from under my pillow. I groan loudly and answer the phone, holding it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Spencer, are you awake yet?" My mom asks.

"No" I answer honestly and she chuckles.

"You have school in an hour. So, get out of bed" She tells me, and I frown.

"Can I just skip today?" I ask and she laughs.

"No Honey, you need to graduate. So, get out of bed and go slay the halls at school" She teases "Everyone will miss you if you're not there"

"Oh my god Mom!" I laugh "I'm getting out of bed" I roll out of my bed, walking to my closet.

"Good, have a good day" She says sweetly.

"You too, Bye mom"

"Bye" She hangs up the phone. I sit my phone on the ottoman in the middle of my walk in closet, walking to grab some clothes. I pull out a cream colored top, and a light blue button up to wear over top, sitting them by my phone. I grab a pair of jeans and my brown heels, before stripping out of my pajamas.

I pull on my jeans first and them my shirts, sliding my phone into my back pocket and carrying my shoes out of my room. I sit down at my vanity and do my hair and make-up, reaching into my jewelry box to pull out a necklace and a pair of earrings.

I walk down the steps to make a smoothie, pouring various fruits into my blender and hitting mix. I put on my shoes and wash my hands before grabbing a cup to pour my smoothie into.

"I'm looking for the beautiful Spencer, is she here?" One of my best friends, Caleb asks, walking into my kitchen.

"Hey, how are you?" I hug him quickly before turning off my blender and pouring my smoothie into the cup "Want the rest?" I ask Caleb and he nods, taking the blender cup from me.

"Thanks" He says, reaching into my cabinet to grab a cup and pouring the rest of the smoothie into his cup, before tossing it into the sink.

"Where's the other three?" I ask, and he shrugs, taking a drink from his smoothie.

"This is so good" He compliments and I laugh.

"Why thank you"

"Where's mommy at?" He asks, looking around.

"She went on a trip with dad" I answer "They're supposed to be back Thursday"

"Just in time for interims to come out" He winks.

"Oh god, its that time already?" I smack a hand against my forehead "I don't want them to see I'm failing trig class"

"Maybe you can get a tutor..." He trails off, and I scoff.

"Oh please, me? Needing a tutor? I don't have time to deal with stupid ass nerds" I roll my eyes, his phone goes off and he looks down at it.

"Tyler, Lily and Lip said we can meet them at school, they're running late" He tells me and I nod, grabbing my car keys and my purse.

"Want a ride?" I ask, but he shakes his head.

"I'm good. I'll meet you there"

"Alright, let's get going then" He says and we walk out of my house. I unlock my car and get into the front, waiting for Caleb's big ass Range Rover to back out of my driveway before I pull out, following him to school. I park in my normal parking space and walk through the doors, Caleb walking next to me.

Dirty Little Secret :ACM:Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum