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A/n: So I'm going to limit the authors notes and stuff in this story, but I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a good Fourth of July, and I hope you like my new username😊😘

Bitch, Meredith Brooks "I'm a little bit of everything, all rolled into one. I'm a bitch, I'm a lover"

"Why are you changing?" Caleb asks, leaning against my counter.

"No reason, just have somewhere to be" I shrug, and he eyes me suspiciously before realization crosses his face.


"Shut up!" I groan.

"Why? Just I don't understand. He's not good for you and we all know that" He sighs.

"Because, it's just relieving I guess" I shrug "But don't worry about it, it's not a big deal"

"Well, you look like Beetlejuice and I hope he hates it" He says and my jaw drops.

"Well, if I do, and he hates it I'll still get laid. Just a little sooner because he will want me out of these clothes" I smirk, rolling my eyes "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go" I push past him, stopping when I reach my door "If you tell my mom, I swear I'll kiss you" I point a stern finger at him.

"Bring it Beetlejuice!" He taunts and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not playing Caleb. Don't tell my mom" I state, and he raises his hands in defense.

"Your secret is safe with me"

"Thank you" I breathe out in relief, walking out to my car and climbing inside. I get in and start it, the engine purring as it starts up. I back out of my driveway and drive the familiar route, knowing that even though it feels right, it's so wrong.

My phone blares through my car speakers, and I grin in excitement as my favorite person pops up on the phone, requesting a FaceTime.

"Hi!" I grin, putting my phone in the doc on the dashboard.

"Hey Babe, what are you up to?" Tiana asks, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Driving to Jeremy's house, what are you up to?" I ask "When are you coming home? I miss you" I pout and she giggles. I turn the corner that leads to his neighborhood, following the long, winding road.

"Ugh, I hate him" She rolls her eyes "But anyways, I'm packing to go home right now!" She says happily and I squeal in excitement.

"You're definitely coming to my house as soon as you get back and you're not leaving! I want to hear all about New York"

"Definitely, you'll be the first to see me. I'll even wear my invisibility cloak so no one at the airport sees me" She giggles. [A/N: Why is this me?]

"But when you get to my house I won't be able to see you" I whine as I pull into Jeremy's driveway.

"I'll take it off when I get on your front porch"

"Oh, good good" I breathe out in relief before we both burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"But, I have to pack and you have to get laid, so I'll see you soon" She smiles.

"See you soon" I hang up the FaceTime, pulling my phone off the dock and putting it into my pocket. I get out of my car and walk up Jeremy's front porch, knocking on the door.

"Finally you're here" He huffs, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into his house.

"Yeah, Caleb got suspicious" I shrug.

Dirty Little Secret :ACM:Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum