So you don't love me

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HEY GUYS IM BACK I AM WRITTING ABOUT HOW YOU KNEW THAT LOUIS WAS CHEATING O.O SO KEEP ON READING AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!! :D (Just so you know it's a cliffhanger so your gonna have to wait for the other part THX)

It's almost your birthday and your really excited about what louis gonna do this year. But the present is the best one you've had.

All the boys are here at yours and louis house to celebrate your birthday in two weeks niall: "IM HUNGRY" you: no your not you just wanna eat! Niall: true All the boys were laughing niall including you. Niall:"what did I do?" Finnally when it was time to eat you all went to nandos. Niall: YES IM STARVING!! You: shut up niall You said laughing. Once it was 1:00 am the boys had to go. We said our goodbyes at the door. Louis was looking at me suductivley. You: what do you want Lou Louis: you. You: no I'm tired I don't have time to have sex louis! Louis: okay just let me go to sleep horny then. He mumbled You: WHAT?$?!?! Louis: I said hi. You : that's what I thought . Goodnight boo bear. Louis: night love.

3 and a half weeks later

It's almost your birthday in two days you were shopping with three of your best friends Veronica, Olivia, and diamond you bought three plaid shirts and two party dresses and some shoes and lipstick you got home with somebody else's car parked in your spot you thought it was zayns car because it looks exactly alike. You came In the house and your room door was shut you: that's weird my door is never shut unless I'm slepping. You came up the stairs with a knife and opened the door with a nervous look on your face. The door opened all the way and you saw louis on top of your BFF! You dropped your phone and the knife stabbing the floor. You: WHAT THE HELL???!???! Louis: oh shit!! He tries to cover himself up with the blanket. Your BFF is

Hiding under the covers. You: What are you doing and why are you doing it her ?! Louis: (y/n) I can explai- You: I NEED AN ASWER!!! The whole room was silent and your ex BFF poked her head out of the covers. You: girl get out of the covers this ain't no god damn hide and seek! Your BFF: so I'm guessing where not firiends anymore huh? You: what do you think BITCH louis: hey calm down (y/n) it's not a big deal You: a big deal ? A MOTHER FUCKING BIG DEAL!!?? Louis: come o- you: I thought you loved me. You ran out of the house and drove to your other best friends house. You parked in the driveway and rang the doorbell Your best friend: hey (y/n) You: hey... I need to tell you something.

YAY TOLD YOU IT WAS A CLIFFHANGER MAKE SURE YOU COMMENT, LIKE, AND FAVORITE SEE YA NEXT TIME ( tell me in the comments below if you want a private imagine tell me you name who you want it to be with thx)

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