It's Ok

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Everyone left and I was alone now. With Jungkook destroying his room, I was very anxious to hear the noises stop.

I walk back into the house after draining my phone battery with curiosity eating me alive.

The banging and shouting stopped.

Is he ok now?

Should I give a few minutes?

It was almost dinner time, so I want him to eat something.....

I'll just go.

Just go.

Go to him.

Remember the last time you waited too long?

I tiptoe to his door and press my ear against it.

I couldn't hear a thing, not even breathing.

That made me panic.

I turn the doorknob slowly and peek in.

I see Jungkook sitting against the wall.

I see Jungkook sitting against the wall

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He looks exhausted. I'll go in.

I open the door a bit more and a squeak comes out.

So much for being sneaky.

Jungkook looks up and sees me.

"HaeWon." He whispered. His voice was low and hoarse.

I open the door completely and step in. I close the door and stand still, facing him.

"Jungkook." I copy him.

I step closer to show him I wasn't afraid.

I was a little, I mean, the room looks like it gone through two tornados and 5 college parties.

"HaeWon." His voice cracks as he stands up and rushes to me for a tight hug.

" His voice cracks as he stands up and rushes to me for a tight hug

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"Jungkook." My heart literally falls when his voice cracked.

His arms were tightly around my upper body and I tried to hug him tighter.

I didn't bother to ask questions. At least not yet. I just run my hands through his hair and rubbed his back a couple times.

"It's ok, Jungkook."


About an hour later, Jungkook was dozing off on the couch while I was making dinner.

I smile to myself while stirring up the veggies.

I place the beef and veggies onto two plates and bring them to the coffee table.

Jungkook jerks up and rubs his eyes.

I giggle while ruffling his hair. "You woke up!"

"I smelled something delicious. And my nose was right." Jungkook smiles and grabs plate.

"Eat up!" I peck his cheek and grab my plate too.

"Thanks..." Jungkook turns red and looks at me.

I try to hold the eye contact as much as I can.

"Stop staring at me." Jungkook says.

"You stop first." I reply while smiling widely.

"I love your smile." He compliments with a smirk.

I shrug. "I love you...rrrr eyes. I love your eyes."

Very smooth, HaeWon. Why'd you back down?

Oh yeah because it'd be weird.

Jungkook laughs and leans in.

He kisses me and I OBVIOUSLY kiss back.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes with his lips still on mine.

"I don't see why you're apologizing."

"I am sick."

I pull away. I grab both of our plates and set them back down.

I grab his hands tightly. "You, Jungkook, are not sick!"

"How can you say that when you just witnessed me rip away a bedroom!"

I shake my head. "That doesn't mean you're sick, Jungkook. This is who you are! You're not diagnosed with anything! This is YOU! That's how you cope, that's how you make yourself calm! Some people drink tea, some people exercise, some people go for walks. Just because you're different that doesn't mean you're sick."

Jungkook hangs his head with tears coming out. "Really?"

I nod. "Absolutely sure, Jungkook. You're an amazing human being."

Jungkook pulls me close and presses his soft lips against mine. His arms travel around my back and holds me closer than ever.

He pulls away with a very big smile. His cute bunny teeth showing.

"I don't know how I'll live without you." He compliments sweetly.

"I don't know what my life would be like if you weren't a part of it." I smile back.

"What do you mean? How was I an impact?" Jungkook chuckles and leans back onto the couch.

I lean back too and prop myself up on my elbow. "Without you, I probably would've be here at HOME! If I didn't have you to care for, Boss- I mean that guy would've just kept me inside forever."

"That's right."

"Want to have a movie night!?" I jump up.

"Movie? Yes!" Jungkook jumps up too.

Jungkook grabs the blankets and pillows and I get the movies ready.

"Do you like...let's see what we have...." I rummage through the box labeled 'movies'. "Do you like...Iron Man?"

"Iron Man? Never heard of it. Or anything for that matter." Jungkook comes to my side.

I hand him the cover case and he gasps.

"Wow! Is this like a superhero!? That's cool, he looks cool! Yes, let's watch this! It looks cool!" Jungkook exclaims while jumping up and down.

I laugh. "Ok, ok, I'll pop it in."

The movie starts playing and I turn off the lights. I cuddle next to Jungkook while the blankets were hugging our bodies.

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