Chapter three

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Katalynna rubbed her temple urgently, she could feel a headache slowly creeping up on her. When she signed the contracts, she never thought she'd be so stressed mere days afterwards.

"Why aren't the construction workers here yet and why are the design team telling me they have a better job to do and why oh why did two of my pilots just quit?"

Menna looked like she had a dead rat stuck in her throat and she was too scared to let it out.

Squinting her eyes into small slits, Katalynna unfolded her arms and began stalking her assistant like a lioness after her prey. "Do you have something to say to me Menna?"

The shy woman shook her head but Katalynna's intimidating stare encouraged her to nervously sigh. "I'm so sorry but the design team and the construction workers quit two days ago. I didn't tell you because I was trying to get new ones to fill in but I couldn't contact any; they're all booked and when I tried contacting them again they told me they found a better project with a higher pay and I've spent the whole night trying to find out who hired them."

"And did you find out?"

"I did."

"Well don't just stand there, who did it? Emilio? Octavio?"

Menna shook her head before saying the name she wasn't ready to hear for at least another two years.


Flavio flipped through another contract, letting himself find amusement in the terms and conditions a dying company had the audacity to set.

He flung the excuse of a contract on the large pile of rubbish he needed to shred. His laptop dinged, indicating a new email was sent into his in-box, checking the messages, he silently nodded as he read through the sentences.

He had held off the construction of his new office branch long enough and finally he found the right workers for the job who had began working immediately.

He rose to his feet and walked toward his liquor cabinet, he heard loud noises from his assistant's station and as if the noise followed his actions; his office door practically flew off its hinges.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm so sorry sir but she practically pushed past me."

Flavio turned around to see a dark mop of hair in one of the most messiest buns he had laid eyes on, dressed in black jeans and what seemed to be a workers jacket.

She looked horrifyingly boyish but that didn't stop his slacks from tightening at the sight of her chest rising up and down from her uncontrollable anger.

"Its okay Mira, leave us." The flustered woman shot a dirty look at Katalynna as she walked out of her employers office.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked her, pouring a second glass although she hadn't responded yet.

"I'm not interested in your beverage Mr Del Grassi."

"Call me Flavio."

"Mr Del Grassi." She shot at him, folding her arms under her breasts.

Flavio smirked, walking around to seat behind his desk. "You're welcome to seat."

"Neither am I interested in sitting down. I don't know if your memory works as well as mine does but we are not friends or acquaintances. You are a rude arrogant man who gets his kicks out of frustrating me."

"Oh don't flatter yourself Katalynna-"

"Miss Alcazar!" she practically screamed.

"You are to call me miss Alcazar." She added.

"Katalynna, I have much more on my plate than devoting my important time to frustrating you. I don't know why you're acting like a cave woman in my office but it'd be interesting to find out."

Katalynna huffed, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "You took my workers because you couldn't handle loosing to a woman."

And that's when it clicked.

They had told him they were booked before he put a price and they agreed to work for him. What were they odds that they were booked under her?

"Trust me Katalynna, I didn't know they were booked under you, I just needed workers and they made themselves available."

She scoffed before speaking. "You are a rude and insufferable man and I hope your building falls on you." She spat as she walked out of his office.

Flavio let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and finally looked down at his lap. He was so aroused that it hurt to move around in his chair.

Her anger only poured more fuel into the fire that was his attraction to her. The way she yelled and paced in his office gave him full view of her breasts as they moved along with her which he had tried very hard not to stare at them.

A heavy sigh of frustration escaped his lips just as his assistant walked in with more files in her grasp.


Katalynna felt beyond embarrassed by her actions. She couldn't remember the last time she exploded from anger and letting him get that deep into her mind showed how much his actions affected her.

He irritated her when he acted so calmly like he hadn't done a single thing. Upon getting home, she rid herself of her sweaty clothes and hopped in the shower. Desperately needing to wash of the sweat and his thick male scent.

One thing she was very fond of doing was lying to herself and that's what she was doing again. She stood under the shower scrubbing off her sweat and clearly lying again; she found him attractive but that only added to her anger.

And she remembered how she acted in preschool when Samuel Rodrigo had told her she was pretty. She had told everyone he still ate glue at age eleven and that was the sole reason she went through high school without friends or a boyfriend because she was the girl who humiliated poor Samuel because she was too pretty.

She could never admit to being attracted to Flavio, not to herself or to him; ever.

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