Israphel's daughter, Katlin-Book 2

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I was lying in bed, awake with Nilesy hugging me, asleep. I smiled at his hug, protecting me. Today had been a quite eventfull day, I had found I was pregnant 3 months after Nilesy and I had been wed. We couldn't believe it, it was such a shock for both of us. We hadn't told anyone yet, we hadn't had the chance to. I had just started to fall asleep when I heard a noise downstairs. Alert, I slowley edged out of bed, not wanting to wake Nilesy up, and made my way downstairs. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw a face, a face I wouldn't have thought I would have seen ever again. The eyes glistened red, his skin a frightfull pale white. I screamed in terror and collapsed onto the stairs, crying.

"Kat!" Nilesy shouted, nearly tripping down the stairs "Kat, Did you fall?"

I shook my head, still crying. His face stamped my mind, his eyes piercing my vision.

"I saw him Nilesy" I stuttered, crying still "I saw my father"

"But, he's dead" Nilesy said, hugging me

"That's what I thought"

"You're not safe here" Nilesy replied "Do you want me to take you to Lalna's?"

I didn't reply. I couldn't, I saw him again. I stared straight into my fathers unblinking eyes.

"GET AWAY FROM ME" I shouted, cuddling closer into Nilesy.

"Kat? Is he there?" Nilesy asked, jumping up.

"GO AWAY!" I screamed, running up to my father and hitting him.

"Kat!" Nilesy shouted running up to me and holding me, face buried in his chest "Kat, there's nothing there....."

Israphel's daughter, Katlin-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now