Chapter 10

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I stopped suddenly and tensed up. I couldn’t believe it...why would Lalna just give in like that? Lalna would not give up usually, he would put up a fight, stand up for himself or come to an agreement, he wouldn’t just stand there and let someone trample all over him...

I watch as LividCoffee smirks, nodds then walks off, leaving us all in disbelief. I feel a hand on my sholder and Lalna’s voice trying to comfort me. I flinch away from the hand and walk off. As I leave I take Lalna’s jacket off my sholders and chuck it on the floor, not looking back even though I hear Lalna call my name multiple times.

I lay down on the bed, head resting in Nilesy’s pillow, breathing in his simular, minty scent. I can’t believe Lalna’s unusual actions. This war is now all resting on my sholders and it’s the last thing I meed right now, part of me wishes I never left the Underworld. Anyone who dies in this war, will be my fault, I am the one they’re fighting for.

The door opens slightly and I look up to see Nilesy who smiles at me, making his way over to the bed and lying down. I rest my head on his chest and without another word, I fall asleep.

Waking up in the morning, the sun streams through the windows, blinding me slightly. I turn away from the window, grunting about how ironic it is that the sun and. the world seems so happy while I’m here drowning in self pity. The door opens and I see Nilesy’s head pop around the frame.

"There’s a meeting going on. Do you want to go?"

I nodd and get up, searching my wardrobe for the clothes I got months ago, before the underworld problem, that were stretchy and able to fit my increasing large stomach.


I sit next to Nilesy in a large room, not able to face Lalna at the front. Repeatingly, Nilesy asks me to talk to Lalna, to forgive him, but everytime I deny. I glance up and catch Lalna’s look. He looks upset and tired. He starts to open his mouth before I turn away, not wanting to speak to him.

"Hello everybody" Xephos smiles from the front "You all know why we’re here today"

I feel hundreds of eyes look at me. I’m at the front so I can’t see them but their eyes pierce my back. I know there is nearly everyone in Minecraftia here. People from Terrorvale to Minstral City....and they’re all judging me.

"Cutting the crap, I want anyone who is willing to fight to stand up now"

I can’t bear to look, knowing the people who are standing up may die, and if they do, it will be my fault. I have to put my part into this war, whatever it takes.

I stand up slowley, my mind trying to force me not to, but my body fights it and allows me to stand. I feel people mutter behind me and when I open my eyes, I see Lalna, Xephos, Honeydew, Sips and Sjin staring at me. Looking around, I see I’m the only one standing up.

"Kat" Lalna says, walking up to me "I won’t let you do this"

"Lalna" I say, facing him "Shut up" I make my way to the front and look over the eyes of people that lives my father has wrecked. I can’t stand it but I know I have to. "You all know who I am and I know your going to judge me because of who my father is. There is one person in this room who I’m pissed off at right now, because of what he did yesterday. I don’t want anybody here to feel forced to fight, because  your fighting for a girl that you don’t know or don’t like. I’m fighting not for myself, but because I don’t want to see you lot suffer while I sit at home eating chocolate. I’m 6 months pregnant and I’m fighting so I want you lot to know if you do decide to fight, I will be leading you till we win."

I finish followed by silence. Lalna walks up to me, smiling slightly. I can’t not look at him because right now, I need a sholder to cry on.

"Kat, I’m sorry" Lalna manages to mumble, looking at the floor. I hug him whispering in his ear that he’s going to be the death of me one day.

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