The Romance Begins!

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It was a sunny weekend at Camp Half Blood and finally Nico Di Angelo didn't have anything to worry about. No ancient Greek classes and no training sessions. In all honesty, Nico loved Camp Half Blood (even though he'd never tell) and the busy atmosphere made his naturally depressing state seem lighter. But there was really only one thing that made Nico seem light. Will Solace. Nico's sunny, sexy boyfriend and favorite person in the whole world, and he thoroughly anticipated spending every second of his weekend off with him.
Will got the Hermes cabin to snag him and Nico some pizza on their trip to the city, along with a few other snacky items for their weekend rendezvous. It was going to be great!

Will knocked on Nico's cabin door at 5 o'clock Friday night with a bouquet of fake flowers (Because Nico's literal death hand always murdered real flowers) and a bag full of snacks. Will didn't bother bringing clothes or a tooth brush. He had all of that stuffed in Nico's bottom drawer.

"Hey Sunshine. Ready for date-weekend-extravaganza?" Nico gave Will a nervous smile as his cheeks turned rose pink. "Always."

Nico stepped aside and let Will in. Will handed Nico the fake flowers, "These are for you. They're fake, so my little Death Boy doesn't accidentally send them to the flower underworld." Will said with a condisending tone. Nico gave Will a tiny push against the door jumping into a deep kiss. Will's soft pink lips brushed across Nico's causing his anxiety to grip over him, his heart pounding, sending chills down his spine. Nico wrapped his hands around Will's neck and stood on his tip toes. When Nico finally broke away, they stayed there leaning against the door, Nico with his head on Will's chest, Will kissing Nico's forehead. After a minute, Nico pulled back. "Thanks Will. So what should we do first?" Nico asked, his hands on his pockets as he bobbed on his toes. "I thought maybe we'd skip dinner with the rest of the camp and eat a special dinner, courtesy of yours truly." Will said with a bow. Oh wow, what a gentleman." Nico said blatantly. Nico gave a small smirk, and sat down awkwardly on his bed while Will put in Sinister 2. (Writers comment- that movie is so good and Milo is hot!) Nico patted the bed next to him and Will fell next to him. He put his head on Nico's lap. Nico ran his skinny fingers through Will's soft, curly, blonde hair. An hour later, there was a knock on the door. Will sat up off of Nico and started for the door. Nico gave an angry scowl, "Who is that?"
Will was turned away from Nico, but he had the biggest grin spread across his face. Will swung opened the door. A short, dark haired guy with glasses from the Hermes cabin stood at the door with a small pizza box in his hand. "Hello sir, I'm here to deliver 6 pieces of cheese pizza."
Nico blushed. He held back a laugh.
"Thanks Mark. How much do I owe you?"
"A lot Solace. A lot."

(Writers Comment: that was Markiplier. Son of Hermes cuz he stole my heart)

Mark turned and walked away leaving Will holding a yummy smelling pizza box.
"You're a dork Solace."
"But I'm your dork right?"
Nico buried his head in his pillow. Flirting always made him feel awkward.
Will sensed Nico's tension. He walked over to Nico and sat down right in front of him. The two boys sat criss-cross for a second. Will took Nico's hand. "Baby."
"Mmh?" Nico said muffled through his pillow.
"Baby." Will leaned closer in.
"Ill fuffin hohace" Nico muffled, "Whaf do ooh wan?"
"BABY!" Will leaned all the way over Nico, burying his face in his neck.
Nico couldn't help laughing. Will moved to Nico's mouth and Nico wrapped his arms around Will.

The rest of the night consisted of movies, cuddles and kisses.

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