Part 1

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Ember here. I just wanna point out that the parts in this fic might not be as long as the others, as I want to put them out as soon as possible, but I don't have much time to write with school and such. Sorry :(


I made my way downstairs, yawning. The smell of pancakes filled my nostrils and I sighed dreamily. My favourite breakfast. I loved my husband so much.

Upon entering the kitchen, I saw Gerard stood at the cooker, flipping pancakes. He looked up when he saw me and smiled, plating up the pancakes and handing them to me.

"Thank you," I signed, smiling and sitting at the table. The pancakes were light and fluffy, and he'd put a bit of chocolate in them. I almost melted.

Gerard chuckled at me as I practically orgasmed over his food.

"Those were heaven," I signed when I was finished, patting my belly contentedly. Gerard smiled.

"They were some of my best, I have to admit." he signed before placing the plates in the sink. He sat back down and pulled me onto his lap. "Mikey and Bob are coming over this afternoon. Apparently it's not good news."

I frowned. "Oh man...I hope everything's alright."

"Mikey said it was something strangely bad." Gerard frowned as he signed.

"I wonder what happened?"

"Me too. They'll be round in a few hours."

"Okay." I smiled, but it soon died. Another day, another reason to be depressed.

Gerard tapped me. "Frankie? What's up?"

"I guess I'm just sick of still being numb." I signed slowly. "I know that's bad of me because of how long you were without your hearing, but...we started raising years ago and we've still got ages to go. that selfish of me?"

"Of course not...I understand." Gerard kissed my cheek.

"But it is..." I bit my lip. Gerard pressed his lips to mine to stop me. I relaxed.

"Chill out. It's alright."

I nodded and kissed his neck. "Thank you," I signed.

"It's alright. Come cuddle for a few hours until Mikey gets here."

I smiled and followed him back upstairs. He pulled me down into a cuddle. I closed my eyes, snuggled up against his chest, and slowly drifted back off to sleep.


I awoke to Gerard shaking my gently. My eyes fluttered open and I gazed up at him tiredly.

"Mikey and Bob just arrived," Gerard signed. I nodded and stretched, quickly getting out of bed. I didn't bother getting dressed.

I bounded downstairs and hugged our visitors. They looked scared and cautious, but hugged back regardless. I frowned and sat them down in the front room.

"So how's the marriage going?" I signed to break the tension.

"Good." Bob smiled a little. "We plan to move house sometime soon."

"That's awesome." I smiled. "Were you planning on adopting kids or something like us?"

Mikey bit his lip, signing, "That's exactly what we're here about..."

"Oh?" Gerard signed. "What about it?"

"You're never gonna believe it. It's stuff you read in stupid fanfics..." Mikey signed frustratedly.

"Just tell us," I signed, giving him a gentle stare.

Mikey seemed to whimper. "I'm pregnant."

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