Part 1

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Born from blinding white light and made to battle The Darkness. A multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent, the children of God himself were idols to humans. There was little time of peace after the war of Darkness and before God created Adam. The history books have an overly biased view on Lucifer and archangels. It was written by angels, so what could you expect.

According to them, Lucifer rebelled because he hated his father and siblings. He chose evil over good, he was selfish, chose himself over his own kind. But all demons know the truth.

Lucifer fell because he loved his father, more than anything. He loved his whole family, and hated the idea that they would have to bow before humans, lesser beings, to love them more than God. Lucifer learned that his own father would be reincarnated as a man and redeem the universe through his death on the cross.

So Lucifer said, "Father, I can't."

The son of the morning found more angels who would not worship mankind and offered them to be his own people, his own children. Some took quite a bit of convincing to finally side with the archangel, not wanting to go against their father. Lucifer plucked their feathers with care, blessed them with a tail for a weapon, teeth to tear, a scream that's detrimental, and black eyes to identify each other and to strike fear. He loved his people with his whole being, he understood how his father felt.

Lucifer went to his brother, his older beloved brother Michael, and begged him to stand in protest like he was. Michael turned on him. Called him a freak, a monster, and then beat him down. Lucifer and his people were cast out of heaven like a bolt of lightning. Stripped of his beauty, his position, and his rights to heaven, and sent to dwell in Hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgement.

Lucifer fell with a mighty shout that shook God to his core. The Great Dragon was thrown down to Hell by his brother. God sent his son, Michael, to cast Lucifer from heaven, not being able to do it himself. The Maker of Mankind cried at the sight of his first son falling to earth.

After the War of Heaven, God disappeared from Heaven, Earth, and all his creations. Some angels were sent for jobs on earth, and ended up liking their control over humanity. Nephilim were later created, probably from their sick angel parent, and they stayed on earth. Soon, demons also invaded the earth and found homes and normal lives. Though, none of Lucifer's closest circle came to earth with them, choosing to suffer with their lord. The Knights of Hell stayed with their maker, forever burning. Angels immediately repressed demons, keeping a firm hold on the fallen angels.

The world that we know is very much the same. Angels running the world and all its inhabitants. Most humans live in harmony with angels, and have now followed their every word, as it now became law. So we hide, live in fear, poverty, and exist on the edge of death.

Most demons wait for the rise of Lucifer, believing that once he sees how his children are treated, that he will rip apart all angels and humans, leaving the earth to his heirs. But, it's kind of just wistful thinking. With God missing and Lucifer in prison, the world is owned by God's Angels, even though technically we were all made by God so we are all his children. But of course that doesn't matter, all that matters is that our ancestors chose a different side of the war.

Life is torture for demons, and there is nothing that we can do about it. And the angels make sure we know it.

March 21, 2000

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