•Chapter 4•

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Aaliyah's POV~2 days later

I was asleep on the deck, until a crew member belonging to Sindria yelled out, "We will be docking sometime tomorrow!"

I opened my eyes, as a shadow blocked the sunlight from my position.

I automatically ruled out Nadir, the shadow they were casting was too large.

I sighed.

"What can I do for you Sinbad?"

"You've been lying here for hours just making sure you're still alive." He said sitting next to me.

"And you're sitting down because...?"

"You looked very relaxed and Ja'far is practally breathing down my neck about this entire situation." He paused closing his eyes, "Wow this is nice..."

"Hush, it was quiet before you got here now enjoy the peace."

"You've really relaxed these ten years." He trailed off fighting to keep his consciousness in charge.

"Well if I hadn't I'd feel bad for Nadir." I slurred losing consciousness.

Sinbad followed shortly after, and after a few hours when the sun had finally gone down, They woke up.

"Aaliyah..." Sinbad shook my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes to Sinbad's chest.

"Ah, shit sorry!" I jumped away from him.

He let out a throaty laugh, "It looks like we fell asleep."

"What I want to know is why Ja'far didn't wake us up, or any of them for that matter..." I sighed hanging my head.

"They probably had a good laugh when they saw us sleeping though," he said standing up and then helping me up.

"What time do you think it is?" I yawned.

He shrugged as I placed my attention on the sun that started to make its way above the horizon.

I jumped over and sat on the railing that separated the people on deck from falling overboard.

"We'll be arriving in Sindria today right?" I asked trying to avoid a certain question he might've had.

"Hey Aaliyah if I ask you something will you answer honestly?" He asked.

"Yeah probably, why what's the question."

"Why did you leave Sindria in the first place?" He asked.

"I felt raising my child in Sindria wasn't a very good idea my past was always on my heels trailing me everywhere. And Nadir  doesn't needs to know anything about what happened before he was alive." I answered truthfully.

"So you were pregnant with Nadir before you left Sindria?" He asked suggesting things I didn't want to admit.

No matter how much he doesn't act it at times, Sinbad is a genius when he puts effort into it.

"I know where you're trying to push this conversation Sinbad, and it needs to stop."

"If you know what I'm trying to ask then what is the answer."

"You are trying to squeeze the name of Nadir's father out of me and I doubt that you don't already know." I sighed in defeat.

"Why did you leave without telling me?" He asked.

"Sinbad... Sindria was still a very young country, Nadir was the result of one drunken night. Ja'far still doesn't know and I honestly don't want him to know. We were still pretty young and I'm pretty sure neither of us were ready to be parents or admit our feelings not to mention we would have to tell Ja'far what had happened. The entire situation was better because I left." I explained rambling on.

"You just admitted that you have feelings for me Aaliyah." Sinbad smirked.

I paused remembering what I had said in my ramble, "Well it's not like you kept your feelings for me on the DL Sinbad."

"I did from everyone but you Aaliyah, and you're blushing~"he sang the last part.

"Oh fuck off. Do you even remember that night we were both drunk."

"Yes we were celebrating the outcome of a battle and you were totally plastered, but I was 99% sober. And when you were going back to your house I had to walk you back because you couldn't even walk in a straight line, and then after you sobered up we kissed and then... Well... We got a little carried away..."

"Well damn there goes my only excuse..." I smiled nervously.

"Does he even know I'm his father?"

"Nope, why do you want me to tell him?" I asked amused.

"I mean I think he should know who his father is..." He replied honestly

"I'll tell him when we get to Sindria."

"And finally my last question, why hasn't he opened his eyes?"

"Well he used to get teased for it and I tried to stop it but I ended up making it worse, so he closed them 5 years ago and hasn't opened them since. And for some reason when he opens his eyes his magoi increased drastically, not to mention the magoi he's been sealing away these past five years. But his eyes are absolutely beautiful." I explained.

"I really hope I see them someday..."

"I do too. I miss them..."

"Hey Aaliyah..." He whispered


I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine and instead of pulling away like I sort of planned to, I melted into the kiss.


Attention only a few hours until the newest chapter of magi comes out

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