Devil's Work.

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Dean rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, yawning lightly as he walked lazily to the couch, swiping up something decent to wear for hunting. Which he'd be doing all day, Dean noted with a sigh.

He shoved his clothes on ruffly, muscles still stiff from sleeping in a uncomfortable position too long, then looked to notice a single feather resting on the tiled floor.

He bent over curiously ignoring his back muscles as they protested and picked it up gently, letting it rest between his index and middle finger. It was jet black, and longer than the length of his hand, but so soft he could barely feel it. Dean looked around, wondering were it might of come from.

Sam groaned from across the room, bed creaking as he shifted in his sleep. Dean didn't bother to wake him yet. the toll of last nights work must've taken a lot out of him. Sammy needed rest more than he did. Dean sat up and checked the small fridge for a beer, finding only one left in the very corner near the ice box.

I'll have to make a milk run soon, he noted to himself quietly. He took a long swig from the bottle, closing the fridge door and sitting down next to the duffel back on the sofa. Dean took another swig before realizing he still had the feather in his fingers, and was twirling it around slowly.

He stopped moving it, and set it down on the small table to his left. Must belong to some bird, he thought quickly, discarding the thought of a certain angel who he wished was there before deciding to wake Sam up. "Rise and shine Sammy!" Dean nudged him until he groaned a "Go away." And then walked back annoyed as he tossed one of the bags down on the table, gathering his things.

Sam got up, and walked straight to the fridge rummaging around for something. "Dean, what did you do with my Smoothies?" He said in a clipped tone. Dean grinned. "Oh, you mean that rabbit crap? I poured it down the drain, it was starting to stink up the joint and gave my beer a weird taste." He teased.

Sam gave a bitch face, then proceeded to the bathroom muttering curse words under his breath. Dean tossed his pack over his shoulder, smiling and walked out onto the deserted street, only the singing birds could be heard from all the silence. He opened the trunk to his Baby and tossed his duffel in, slamming it shut after Sam had come out and done the same.

"So, how many more of those,--uh, things are left to kill? We got a good twenty last night."
"Sam, come on. They are called Witch-pires. You know you wanna say it." Sam sat down in the passenger's seat shaking his head. "No, dude. I am not calling them that." Dean scoffed and got in, revving Baby to life and tore out of the parking lot.

"suit yourself Bigfoot." He kept his eye on the road while Metallica played loudly enough to make Sam complain. Dean grinned, and turned the volume up, drowning out his brother. "what was that?! I couldn't hear you." Sam shut the radio off.obviously annoyed.

"Well while you were in Rock music land, Cas just called me saying he has something very important to tell us, and to meet him at the Gas N' Sip on exit 43." Dean glanced over at Sam, who didn't look very worried. "what? Whats he want to tell us?" Sam rolled his eyes, scratching his neck.

"Uh lemme see, I don't know! When we get there we'll find out." Dean gave Sam an annoyed look, and hit the exit Cas had said to take and rolled into the lot of an old Gas N' Sip. He scanned the lot, noticing no one in sight except for the cashier inside smoking as he watched    t.v.

"well, where is he at?" Dean got out and stood straight, stretching a little. "I don't know." Came the just as confused voice from Sam. "He said he'd be here-" Dean didn't finish as he turned around sharply hearing someone stifle a cough, he had turned so quick that he almost knocked Cas over, who had came out of no where. Dean jumped, relaxing almost instantly after realizing it was his friend and then got a little annoyed.

"dammit Cas! Don't do that!" Cas looked a bit offended. "my apologies. But I had to talk to you urgently in person, without giving up my location." Dean looked at him questioningly. "the monsters you hunt, the--"
"Witch-pires?" Dean cut in with a toothy grin.

"--uhm, yes. Well, their not exactly what you think they are." Cas answered when he saw Deans questioning look. Dean and Sam waited for him to go on. When he didn't, Dean leaned against Baby. "And?" He urged. Cas sighed. "Well, as you must already know, they take the form of a witch, and feed on the blood of humans."

Dean exhaled slowly. "Cas get to the point." Cas looked away, and Dean could tell he was scared. "they can also take the form of anything and are also known and feared for the mass murders of Angels and Demons alike, made by Lucifer himself." Cas paused, letting what he just said sink in before continuing.

"Crafted only for the purpose to kill, they are said to be unkillable. And the reason you two are just now seeing them, is because Lucifer has some how released them from their prison. That is why you probably haven't heard of them until now." Dean looked at him confused. "We've already ganked about two dozen of those bastards, what do you mean they're unkillable?"

Cas rubbed his face, hands trembling just barely enough that Dean noticed and he felt a pang of guilt for yelling at him. "you didn't kill them, you just slowed them down. They are called Beseecher's. Because once they have your scent," Cas exhaled a shaky breath, and looked straight into Dean's eyes, fear glazed over his own. "They will never stop hunting you, until you are dead."

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