Chapter 1: The Crash

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My description keeps getting deleted so i took a pic of it of what it was. Its 👆🏼

Half way through the flight the plane hits a flock of geese, taking out the left engine.  The pilots are starting to lose control of the plan. I'm recording everything. People are screaming and parents are holding their children telling them they will be ok.

I'm sitting in the back of the plane next to an old woman, about 70 years old. It sounds like she is praying in another language. She looks at me with a look of peace and says, "This is how everyone on this plane dies".  I tell her "we are not going to die." I'm trying to convince the people next to me that we won't die. Then the lady stands and yells at everyone and says "No one on this plane will live another day," as soon as she ends her sentence she lets out this chilling laugh like a crazy person. Children start screaming and crying and you can here parents trying to calm their children. People are looking at the lady with hate and confusion. The lady just smiles and keeps praying. It gives me a feeling and sense of evil.

Within minutes the pilot says the one thing that no one ever wants to here. "Brace. Brace for impact. Brace. Brace." It seems to go on forever. Just before we hit the ground I notice the lady was wearing a dress with evil spirits representing Satan on them. Thats when I got he idea she wasn't praying she was speaking in a satanic language. Within seconds of the pilot saying those words, we hit the ground. The planes left wing hits the ground before the body of the plane tearing it in half. The impact of the plane sends me and other people flying out of the plane. I wake up for a few seconds after landing, then black out again.

I wake up a couple hours later next to the old lady staring at me. I jump up and turn around and run right into a tree. Knocking myself down onto the old lady's body. I get up and look around. I walk over to what seems like a small bag and open it. I find an a thick sharp tool used to carve into a tree. In another bag I find some rope. I find some water bottles, 5 pretzel bags, and some of those terrible airplane peanuts next to a broken ouch cart. I can't find anything else that's either on fire or already burned or smashed. I have a huge gash on my forehead. I find a shirt next to this guys body and rip it and tie it around my forehead.

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