Making a new friend

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It's 5th period and my brothers have walked me to every single class today. But they said that they would see me at the lunch table meaning they weren't going to walk me to lunch. As I said bye to them and walked into class I took my seat. This period is my free period and the teacher lets us do anything we want. I just sat down and pulled my phone out cause none of my friends are in my free period. I was scrolling threw instagram when someone sat in front of me. I glance up threw my eye lashes and seen a boy.
"You must be new." I said.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"Cause you sat by me. That's a very brave move." I said.
"Why what's wrong with sitting by you?" He asked.
"Nobody does cause there scared of what my brothers might do to them." I said. Putting my phone away.
"Well if your brothers have a problem then that's there problem. What's your name?" He said
"Savannah. And yours" I said.
"Kyle." He said.
"Cool name." I said.
"Thanks. So what are you doing." He asked.
"Talking to you." I said.
"Ok what we're you doing." He asked.
"Instagram." I said.
"Oh. Here let me see your phone." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just let me see it." He said. I slide my phone over to him. Then after a little while he slide it back.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Look at your phone." He said. I turned my phone on and it said Kyle followed me back.
"What if I didn't want to follow you on instagram?" I asked.
"Well to late I guess." He said.
You don't have a lot of pictures do you." I asked.
"No but you do. So you do cheer." He asked.
"Cheer, soccer, basketball. Yea why." I said.
"Cool. So who's the boys in the pictures." He asked.
"There my brothers." I said.
"You have a lot of brothers." He said.
"8 to be exact. 4 older and 4 younger." I said.
"Wow. " He said.
"So do you have any siblings?" I asked.
"One but she is older." He said.
"Do you not like her or something?" I asked.
"She brings home a different guy every week if I'm lucky. Sometimes it's every day." He said.
"Oh sorry. " I said.
"Don't worry about it." He said. Then we went into silence. Then I got a dm on instagram.
"I'm so telling your brothers that your flirting with a guy." This snob britney on the cheer team sent me. I groaned and slammed my head on the table.
"Woah what did the table do to you." Kyle asked. I showed him the message and kept my head down.
"Your brothers really don't like you talking to guys do they."He asked.
"Nope. But I'm the only girl of 9 kids. They are just trying to protect me." I said.
"So who's is the girl that sent the message?" Kyle asked.
"This snobby girl on the cheer team. She wants to be captain but I'm captain." I said.
"Oh. Well then I don't think you want me to ask that question now." He said.
"What question?" I asked.
"Nothing. It doesn't matter." He said
"Please tell me." I said.
"Well I was gonna ask since I'm new if I could sit with you at lunch but now that seems like a bad idea cause your brothers." He said.
"No you can sit with me. They will get over it." I said.
"Alright." He said. Just after the bell rang for lunch. I got up and he waited on me. We walked out and to the cafeteria. I seen but my brother at the front of the line but instead I stood a couple kids behind them.
"Why didn't you go to the front Savannah. Your brothers are up there." This girl on the soccer team said. She was a senior and I didn't really know her name but she was nice.
"Oh I didn't see them. It's alright though. This is still up front." I said
"Ok." She said. She turned back around and the line started moving.
"And what would you like dear." The lunchlady asked me.
"A salad and a slice of pizza please." I said. She nodded and handed the stuff to me.
"And for you." She said to Kyle.
"Um. Just burger and fries." He said. She got his and we went to pay for it. I went to pay for mine but Kyle did instead.
"You know you didn't have to pay for my food. I could have." I said.
"What are friends for. Besides your my only friend and without you I'd be in the library eating." He said. I laughed.
"Alright come on. My brothers make me sit by them cause of being protective is that ok." I said.
"That's fine. Lead the way." He said. I started walking over to my brothers table. When I was almost there my brothers saw me and Kyle. I sat down in my seat.
"Savannah who is this?" Chase asked.
"Chase, mason. This is Kyle. My friend. Kyle these are two if my brothers Chase and mason." I said.
"Hey." Kyle said.
"Hey." Mason said.
"Chase don't be rude he said hey. It is polite to say it back." I said.
"Hi." Chase said.
"So sis when did you two meet?" Mason asked.
"He's new. He's in my 5th hours and there was no play to sit so he sat by me and we talked." I said.
"So what grade are you in?" Chase asked.
"Sophomore. I'm 16." Kyle said.
"Guys don't start." I said.
"Were not. Just talking to him sis. Don't worry." Mason said.
"That makes me worry more." I mumbles.
"So you just met and your already friends?" Chase asked.
"Yea we talked all 5th hour. And you agree that I could be friends with guys now." I said.
"I said we'll talk about it. We still have to talk to the rest of our siblings." Chase said.
"Come on he is just my friend." I said.
"Guys chill. This is not the place." Mason said.
"What if I text them and ask." I said.
"You can only text 3." Chase said.
"Yes cause a 7 year old and two 5 year olds are gonna care." I said.
"Savannah just text them and ask." Mason said. I took my phone out and texted Ross first so I could make sure he wasn't in class.
"Hey Ross I know this is silly. But do you care if I have a friend that's a guy. Chase and mason are making a big deal out of it." I texted him
"No sis I don't care as long as he doesn't hurt you." Ross texted back.
"One down two to go." I said.
"Who did you text first?" Chase asked.
"Ross." I said.
"Why did you text him first?" Chase asked.
"Cause he is at recess and I didn't want him texting in class." I said.
"Oh." Chase said. Then I texted Austin.
"Austin do you care if I have a friend that's a boy?" I texted.
"How old is the boy?" He texted back.
"16 he's in my grade and were just friends." I texted.
"Ask and see if he can come over and then once I meet him then I'll decide." He texted.
"Thanks and I'll see after I text Dean." I texted then I texted Dean.
"He Dean do you care if I have a friend that's a boy??" I text Dean.
"I have to meet him first." Dean text back.
"I'll see if he can come over after 5. Cause I have tryouts." I text.
"Ok." Dean text.
"My brothers want to know if you can come over after school at 5 so they can meet you then say if you can be my friend." I said.
"Sure." Kyle said.
"Thanks. And sorry. I know it's weird." I said but he cut me off.
"No it's fine I get it. Your brothers are just worried for you." Kyle said.
"Thanks." I said and smiled at him. After that we all began eating and then the bell rang to go to class.

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