Chapter 13

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*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* (A/N whoever knows what fandom four knocks comes from I will be your best friend lolz A/N)
I growned and turned over looking at the door.
*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock*
I friends again and slammed the covers off of me and Vanessa who I just noticed was sleeping beside me. I got up and answered the door. As soon as I opened the door I was shocked and tried to close the door again. But unfortunately for me the person who knocked out their foot in the way so I didn't slam the door on their face.
"Hey sorry.. I know it's early but I just wanted to see who was in the room next to me." The person at the door said.
"Ummm ok. Well I'm Savannah. I'm here for the cheer championships." I said as I reopened the door a bit.
"I'm blake. Im here for the same reason. Sad to admit to a pretty girl just meeting her though." The person at the door said.
"Hahaha you cheer???" I asked him.
"Yeah. I font know if your squad has guys or not but our has some. I'm for crossover high (A/N Idk first thing I typed lol)." Blake said.
"Oh well that's cool I'm from Rector High. My squad and I are here and we have a couple guys on the team but not many." I said.
"Oh well umm would you like to get breakfast we my friends and I Savannah?" Blake asked me.
"Umm I don't know I have to wake my room mate and the rest of my squad plus the people that came with us. So it might be a while till I could." I said.
"We could wait for you. I mean it cant take that long could it?" Blake asked.
"If you insist. Umm I'm gonna wake my room mate now. Shes a heavy sleeper so this will be fun." I said.
"Can I watch? You know to get a good laugh watching you try to wake her." Blake asked.
"Yeah sure I guess." I said. I left the door open and Blake walled in as I walked back to the bed. I started just shaking Vanessa and calling her name but that didn't work.
"When does it get funny?" Blake asked.
"Oh just watch. I'm gonna need you to stand right there." I said as I moved Blake where I needed him to stand. He looked at me weird but I just held up a finger. I jumped on the bed startling Vanessa and started shaking her.
"Vanessa help there is a not in the room and he has a knife!!!!!!" I screamed shaking her.
"Savannah leave me alone. We both know if a guy had a knife you'd be kicking his ass." Vanessa said then turned over. I laughed then thought of something else. I walked over to Blake.
"You might want to close your ears. This will surly get her up." I said to Blake and walked back over to Vanessa.
"Wait why do I have to close my ears?" Blake asked. I ignored him and walked to Vanessa. I cleared my throat.
"AHH MY LOVES I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I WANT A KISS FROM ALL OF YOU AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vanessa screamed jumping out of bed. I grabbed her before she could get out of the room though.
"Savannah let me go. My husband's are outside and I need them." Vanessa said trying to get out of my grip.
"Vanessa they're not outside. I had to get you up to help me get everyone else up." I said.
"You bitch I hate you how dare you wake me of dreaming of my husband's." Vanessa said slapping me.
"Hey I had to get you up one way and I tried to get you up and you wouldn't get up so I did what I had to." I said.
"Ughghhggh!!!!!!! Fine. Let's just get dressed wake everyone and then go to my other husband food." Vanessa said.
"That's actually why I woke you also. See this ia Blake and he asked if I wanted to get breakfast with him and his friends." I said pointing to Blake.
"Oh heck no your not leaving me to wake everyone up." Vanessa said.
"No I wasn't going to do that. I just need help waking everyone up. Plus tommorow tomorrow we are waking up earlier to start practice. Today is the only day off." I said.
"Ok well let me get dressed then I'll help you wake everyone up." Vanessa said as she walked into the bathroom with her cloths.
"Are you the captain of your team??" Blake asked.
"Yes I am." I said laughing.
"That must be cool. Our captain always complains and yells at us. Says us guys make all the girls stare at us and can't concentrate." Blake said.
"That's not your guys fault. She should take her job as captain seriously and tell the girls to quit staring and concentrate." I said.
"Haha maybe you should tell her that. Might help us." Blake said.
"I just might. There is a captain meeting this afternoon and we discuss how things are going with our cheer teams." I said.
"That would be amazing." Blake said. After he said that Vanessa came out of the bathroom all dressed and ready.
"Alright let's go wake everyone up." Vanessa said.
"Let's start with the boys so they can help us." I said. Vanessa nodded to my suggesting.
"You get one room I'll get the other." Vanessa said. I nodded.
"I thought you said you didn't have alot alot of the squad." Blake said.
"Oh we don't. She brought along her 8 brothers and our best friend Kyle." Vanessa said.
"Wait. You have 8 brothers?" Blake asked.
"Yeah. Is there a problem with me having 8 brothers?" I asked him.

1015 words

Ok guys sorry but I am leaving you on this little cliffhanger. Lolz. What will Blake do??? What will go down in the meeting??? Lol sorry guys it takes so long to update. And as promised @JadaMariGouveia I updated lolz. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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