back to school

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Finally I get to go back to school!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait.
I woke up and got ready for school. It was a little hard cause I still hurt a little bit but not much. I took a shower got dressed in my cheer uniform. After that I went and got my brother's up. I went downstairs and started making breakfast. After a while Austin and Dean had came down and took over making breakfast which was almost done. I went back upstairs to see if the boys were done and to grab my bags and shoes. Everyone was ready so we went downstairs and ate. After we were done we all climbed in the car and chase drove us to our schools. When we got to the high school I seen Kyle waiting by his truck. I jumped out of the car and ran to him hugging him. He hugged me back and spun me around. He sat me back down and we were laughing. Chase and mason had walked over and said hi to Kyle. We were all getting strange looks. All the boys were glaring at Kyle. And the girls were all shocked. But we didn't care
"Savannah I'm so happy your back at school. School is just not as fun without you." Kyle said.
"Well I don't plan on going anywhere again." I said smiling.
"Good. I don't know how I would survive." Kyle said and laughed. Then all four of us were laughing.
"We better get to class before were late. Please be careful." Chase said when we finally calmed down.
"I will big brother. Love y'all." I said and kissed chase and Mason's cheeks.
"Kyle please protect her." Mason said.
"I will don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt her again." Kyle said while throwing his arm around me.
"Good. See you guys later. Savannah you have practice after school right?" Chase asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Well I guess we'll pick you up after we drop the little ones off." Chase said.
"It's fine I can take her home. I have to go to the library after school anyways. It will be no trouble." Kyle said.
"Alright. Thanks Kyle." Mason said. Then they walked off to class.
"Come on before were late."I said grabbing Kyle's hand. And we walked to class.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

The bell rang for lunch. Finally. I grabbed Kyle's hand and we walked off to lunch. Today instead of waiting in the back I skipped up to the front with my brother's.
"Hey he can't cut." A guy said.
"He's with me. Got a problem with it.?" I said. I could hear my brother's walk behind me.
"N no." The guy said trembling.
"Good." I said. Me in Kyle turned and seen my brother's. We got our lunch and went to the lunch table.
"I could have went to the back of the line you know." Kyle said.
"No you couldn't. I wouldn't have let you. Besides the people here need to learn that your with us." I said.
"Ok." Kyle said. I smiled at him and he returned it. Then we started eating.
"Oh so your back. Did you come back for another beating." A very annoying voice said loud behind me drawling everyone's attention. I turned around and seen Britney and her minions behind her.
"Well is it gonna be a fair fight this time or are you gonna send you minions on me again?" I said back and everyone 'ooohed' at Britney.
"You and me. Right here. Right now." Britney said.
"Alright. I let you even punch first. Come on." I said. Britney swung at me but I grabbed her fist and twisted her arm behind her. She tried to kick me but I put her on the ground and stood on her legs. I twisted her arm more and a loud pop went threw the cafeteria. Britney was crying and I got off her.
"Your lucky I didn't beat the crap out of you. Come at me again and I will." I said. I sat back down and started eating my lunch again. There was cheers all around. Britney's minions carried her off to the nurse. That reminded me. I hadn't seen Vanessa all day.
"Has anyone seen Vanessa?" I asked.
"Yeah I seen her in the hall earlier." Chase said.
"I wonder where she's at?" I said.
"Look behind you." Said a girls voice. I turned and seen vanessa.
"Hey Vanessa." I said and hugged her.
"Hey. Sorry I'm late I was helping my mom." Vanessa said.
"It's fine." I said. We both sat back down and finished eating. When we were done we still had 15 minutes.
"Hey Vanessa what do you think about cheer??" I asked.
"I don't know." Vanessa said.
"Come on. You should join. And since I'm the captain I know you'll get on. Plus I'll be bored if you don't. Please. Please." I said.
"Fine I'll try out since you need a new girl. But you have to pick the best girl. Not me just cause you want me on. Deal." Vanessa said.
"Deal." I said.

(Another time skip cause I'm lazy and don't know what to add in)

Finally the end of the day. Which means tryouts. Alot of girls showed up. But Vanessa's here to. And I'm sure she will be the best.
"Alright everyone. We have five spots to fill since  the girls got kicked off the team. We would like to take you all but sadly we can't. But you might have a chance next year since some girls will be graduating at the end of this year. But enough chit chat what you need to do is a simple cheer. And this is it. *Shows cheer for them to try* alright so first up. Ashley." I said.
We went threw all 20 girls wanting to tryout. We all made a decision together. Then I stood up.
"Like I said at the beginning we wish we could take all of you. Your all amazing. But sadly we only have five spots so 15 of you will not make it this year but might next year since we have quite a few graduating and will have to fill there spots. So with that. These are the five lucky girls that made the team. Ashley, Brianna, Madison, Danielle. And Vanessa. Please step up and get your uniforms and congratulations girls. And I'm sorry to the rest of you but just try next year cause you were all amazing." I said. The five girls walked up and the others left. But none were really sad so that's a good thing. I jumped down off the table I was standing on to walk to the five girls.
"Congratulations girls. You are now a cougar cheer leader. But with this comes the schedule. We practice every Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday after school. And we got to every football and basketball game to cheer. We also go to cheer championship at the end of the year. Any questions?" I said. Nobody spoke.
"Good. Well Ill see you all tomorrow right after school for practice. You are dismissed." I said. Everyone left except me and Vanessa.
"You didn't just let me on did you?" Vanessa asked.
"Nope I was the one always voting last. Everyone voted for you. It wouldn't of matter what I said you were on." I said.
"Wow I didn't think I did good." Vanessa said.
"Girl you were amazing. No questioning it. Hey do you wanna see if you can come to my house." I asked.
"Sure let me just call my mom." Vanessa said. She them pulled out her phone and dialed her mum.  After a little while she hung up and nodded.
"Great. Let's go look for kyle. He's giving me a ride home. I'm sure he won't care for a tag along." I said. We started walking toward Kyle's car. He was leaning against it.
"Hey Kyle. Look who I found. This is a very rare lost Vanessa. Can I keep her?" I said acting silly.
"Well Savannah I don't know. Is it car trained?" Kyle said joking also. I nodded.
"Fine get in." Kyle said. And we all started laughing.
"So did you make the team?" Kyle asked Vanessa.
"Yasssss." Vanessa said.
"Good now Savannah won't be alone at cheer." Kyle said and laughed.
"Yep. Now I got Vanessa. And she's amazing and we can kick the other cheers butts." I said. We all laughed. Then we pulled up to my house and we all got out. We all hung out at my house till it got dark and everyone had to go home and sleep. But today was a good day. I have the two best friends in the world. And I have my brother's. Nothing could ruin it now.

1468 words.
Guys I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I'm hoping to update again soon. We're about to have our little thanksgiving break and I'm sick in bed anyways. So maybe I can update more. Again I'm sorry for not updated and I know this ain't the best but I'll try better next time. Thank you love you guys. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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