❌ Now I recognize the reason, why I do this. There is only one person, who I love so much, but then I see, she's the biggest badass biatch ever rainyoongi❌
❌ After a long hell time, I will write 13 facts (jesus, this time only 13?) about me. And btw, nobody is force to do that. Only if you wanna do. But I realize, that nobody will do it ❌
↪#if_I_was_you_I_wanna_be_me_too❌ I was tagged by, how I already said, the cutie rainyoongi ❌
↪ I luv ya ♥❌ 1. I'm a vietnamese ❌
↪ I'm sorry, if I say it again and again, but can you list over 70 facts about yourself? When you take into account the rant with my 50 facts lol❌ 2. I'm actually 5'5 ❌
❌ 3. I hate ppl, who change behavior, when somebody special is around ❌
❌ 4. I often use slang or swearwords ❌
❌ 5. I can rap just like Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea and Macklemore 🎤🎶❌
❌ 6. At the moment I listening often to mashups ❌
❌ 7. I can't drink juice anymore, except orange juice 🍊❌
❌ 8. I'm watching voluntarily RTL 😂😂😂❌
❌ 9. According to my friends, I've got another hair consistency 👱💇❌
❌ 10. I cried for the first time at Titanic at the eighth time ❌
↪ and not because Leonardo was dying, I was crying because of the sad music 😂❌ 11. I can't imagine, that you can cry on a book 📚❌
❌ 12. I've got one older sibling, who's five years older than me ❌
❌ 13. Always, when it's time for Friday the 13th, I've got bad luck ❌
❌ do svidaniya ✋❌
↪ Google translator always helps
Rant book ~ by change_something
NezařaditelnéDieser Moment, wenn du über Sachen schreibst und dir dabei denkst, dass es Leute gibt, die es interessieren würden. Sinnlose Sachen, die anscheinend richtig wichtig sind und die wir gar nicht beachten. Nehmt nicht alles so persönlich!