❄ 13 facts - fml ❄

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❌ Now I recognize the reason, why I do this. There is only one person, who I love so much, but then I see, she's the biggest badass biatch ever rainyoongi

❌ After a long hell time, I will write 13 facts (jesus, this time only 13?) about me. And btw, nobody is force to do that. Only if you wanna do. But I realize, that nobody will do it ❌

I was tagged by, how I already said, the cutie rainyoongi
↪ I luv ya ♥

❌ 1. I'm a vietnamese ❌
↪ I'm sorry, if I say it again and again, but can you list over 70 facts about yourself? When you take into account the rant with my 50 facts lol

❌ 2. I'm actually 5'5 ❌

❌ 3. I hate ppl, who change behavior, when somebody special is around ❌

❌ 4. I often use slang or swearwords ❌

❌ 5. I can rap just like Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea and Macklemore 🎤🎶❌

6. At the moment I listening often to mashups ❌

❌ 7. I can't drink juice anymore, except orange juice 🍊❌

❌ 8. I'm watching voluntarily RTL 😂😂😂❌

❌ 9. According to my friends, I've got another hair consistency 👱💇❌

❌ 10. I cried for the first time at Titanic at the eighth time ❌
↪ and not because Leonardo was dying, I was crying because of the sad music 😂

❌ 11. I can't imagine, that you can cry on a book 📚❌

❌ 12. I've got one older sibling, who's five years older than me ❌

❌ 13. Always, when it's time for Friday the 13th, I've got bad luck ❌

❌ do svidaniya ✋❌
↪ Google translator always helps

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