Chapter 5: The Guest

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It was already after-school and Emma didn't come back to class after being sent to the principals office, so I went to go see what was going on. I walked up the marble stairs, made a left, then a right to the end of the corridor, then another right, and I was there. 

"I am so sorry, I won't do that again. I won't bully her. Promise." Emma spoke through her cries. I didn't quite understand what was going on but I tried to listen.

"Emma, you are going to far, I just have to do this." Principal Rogers spoke.

"No, anything just please don't call my mom," Emma pleaded.

"Either a call or a meeting." 

"I choose none. Principal Rogers, can you please just let this slide. I promise it won't happen again."

"Emma, enough. Call or Meeting? I expect a one-word answer."

"Meeting, but..."

"Settled, tomorrow after-school, at 3 PM."

"Alright," Emma replied with fear in her tone. Now I know where I'm gonna be at 3 PM tomorrow. I still could not understand whatever was going on around the school, but I knew for sure my mom was already waiting for me outside the school with Michael so I ran. As I stepped outside I saw Michael sitting on the stairs to the entrance of the school. 

"Where is mom?" I asked Michael. I asked as I walked outside to search for mom's car. It wasn't there. Michael didn't answer my question, his eyes were glued to his phone. 

I just sat next to him, and checked my phone. I has 2 missed calls.

Missed Call: Mom, 2:56 PM (2)

Mom called me, 2 times. I called her back immediately. I searched for mom in the contacts and pressed call and waited a bit.

"Mom...Where are you? Why aren't you here?"

"Roni, I am stuck in traffic."

"Mom, don't call me Roni, and how are we supposed to get home?"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes, do homework or something."


...15 minutes later...

"When is mom coming?" Michael asked.

"I don't know, just keep reading." I said, I was also fruserated, mom still wasn't here. I finished my math and right when I was going to open-up science, mom called us from the car and we came in. I talked to mom about school, but I didn't mention Emma, and what I over-heard. Then I realised that we were going the opposide direction of home.

I asked mom where we were heading and she said to the airport to pick-up her friend, who flew from Oregon.  The airport was at least a 1 hour ride so I fell asleep.

When we got to the airport I got out of the car and took my ear buds out. And followed my mom into the building and up the stairs to gate 43, where moms friend is supposed to be. 

"Lacey, is that you?" we heard a voice and mom looked around to find whoever was calling her name. 

"Karen? Oh my gosh, It has been such a long time." Mom rejoiced as she walked towards her friend, Karen. They started talking for a long time, while I was talking to my brother, about the randomest things. Finally, mom realised that it was time to go home and that me and my brother haven't eaten in forever, so we went to Starbucks to get a croissant and a drink and headed for the car.

When we finally got home we welcomed Karen to our house and then I grabbed a sandwich and ran for the horses. I went into Pastellos stable and started stroking through his soft gorgeous mane. Then, my dad came in with a bucket of hay. 

"Hey, what are you doing in Pastellos stall, huh?" My dad tried looking cool, but failed, and then we just started laughing. Dad wanted to get away from the house as well as I did so he got a bucket of hay for his horse and put it in Pastellos stable. Then I got some hay from outside and put it in all of the stalls and sat down on a chair beside dad. 

"Hey, do you want to go out for a ride? Just you and me?" My dad asked.

"Sure, I'll take Tora or maybe Randall." I replied. Then, I went to the tack room and got all the things that I needed and decided to ride on Tora, for the day. 

Dad and I started walking through the woods on our horses and started talking. It was a perfect night.

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