Chapter 6: The Meeting

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In the morning, I woke up to the sounds of my parents talking really loudly, I couldn't exactly hear what, but it was loud.

"I can't believe that you'd ever do something like that. How could you allow it?"

"Lacey, I didn't know until this morning okay. Just let me eat, leave me alone."

"John, you can't just let her do whatever she wants, she has to learn that she can't always do what she wants."

All I understood was that they were talking about a 'she' and I wanted to know what was going on. It seemed like my parents were keeping something from me, and I really wanted to know what was going on, so I went downstairs and asked them what was going on.

"Hey, good morning." I said.

"Hi. Roni, what do you want for breakfast?" Mom quickly replied.

"I'll have whatever dad is having. And what were you and dad talking about earlier?"

"It's nothing, Veronica, please sit by the table." Mom immediately replied again. I didn't want to argue so I just sat down and ate my breakfast. I was going to find out for myself. I ate some bacon and scrambled eggs, and then Michael came downstairs, and started complaining, that he didn't like eggs and that he wouldn't eat. Typical Michael behavior. After breakfast, I changed and got ready for school.

As I was walking outside I grabbed my raincoat, because it was raining cats and dogs outside. It didn't always rain but when it was terrible. I quickly ran back up upstairs and grabbed some high-heels from my moms closet and put it in my bag to put on during school and then take it off before mom comes and picks me up. I ran downstairs and got into the car.

"Hey mom, where is that Karen at?" Michael asked while tying his shoelaces.

"She is out of town, visiting a friend, and she is going to come back sometime tomorrow, I am guessing." Mom replied.

When we finally got to school, I ran over to the bathroom, and quickly changed, I took off my dark green sweater and brown top, and replaced it with a hot pink blouse. I swapped my ripped jeans with some leggings and put on my moms black glossy high-heels. I reached deep into my bag and took out a red lip stick, that McKenzie once gave me and applied to my lips. I brushed down my brown hair and then put on some sunglasses to finish it off. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot, so I decided to dress up nicely.

I walked out to my friends, and Abigail, of course had to spit out all her words, she says whatever is on my mind.

"Um...Roni, change, you look like crap, go change, and then come back."

"No, this is the new me."

"The new you, this is not the Veronica that I used to know, the one that didn't care about looks."

"I am going to try it for a day. Just one."


"Come on, we are not in Elementary, I can choose to do whatever I desire."

"Okay, McKenzie and Elisabeth can stay with you, I am leaving."

I just walked away. Elisabeth walked up to me, and I didn't know what to do anymore. My words came out before my brain could even think about saying something.

"LEAVE ELISABETH. GO AWAY!" I yelled. At that point I could just see all of the tears in Elisabeths eyes. The war started because of my clothing. That is ridiculous. I wasn't going to let someone choose what I am going to be. 

As I walked into the classroom, Emma glared at me. I ignored it. She probably said something, but I ignored her. I didn't want to hear her voice, or anyone else's. I sat down and looked at my teacher, he probably didn't even recognise me. I just opened up my notebook and wrote down the notes on the board.

...To Be Continued...

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