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3rd person//

"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" Yoongi gagged violently as he ran across his room to the window. "Fuck." He threw it open and leaned out, ready for the sick that was bound to cover his roof. "Shit." He didn't mean to eat that many. He knew it was bad, but he couldn't feel the effect of the pills and he just craved after them. It's funny how such a small thing can stick with you your whole life. He started to gag once again, but as usual, nothing came up.

"Uh, excuse me?" A detached voice spoke up and Yoongi almost had a heart attack because for one second there he thought it was God.

"What- fuck." Yoongi couldn't breathe and let alone get a coherent sentence out of his mouth, so cursing would have to do for now. Once his stomach calmed down he looked up to see a boy, man, whatever standing in the window across from his; and judging by those arms he had crossed over his chest it was most likely shower-boy.

"You alright? Because- oh fuck me, that's vomit." His arms were uncrossed and he almost jumped back into his room. On the contrary, a satisfied smile spread across Yoongi's face as he dried his mouth with his shirtsleeve. "Fucking hell that's like, only stomach acid?" The guy looked both terrified and concerned as his eyes darted from the vomit and up to Yoongi. He only chuckled in response which seemed to make the strange man-boy a bit less uneasy. "Do you- do you need any help?" He spoke up again after a moment of silence, looking about ready to jump the short distance between the roofs.

"Nah. I mean, thanks, but no thanks." Yoongi rushed out as he tried his best to at least look a little bit friendly, the dude was only trying to help after all. The guy pulled a bit of a mistrusting face as he put his hands up in surrender, but he didn't make a move to go back inside so now they just stood there a bit awkwardly looking at each other. "So-uh, sorry for seeing you half naked?" Yoongi giggled (fucking giggled) as he tried to spark a conversation.

"Right- no wait, what?" The guy now shook his head and looked back at Yoongi with a mix of all the previous emotions plus just a hint of amusement trickling in the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah... I kind of saw you walk out the shower the other day." Yoongi immediately regretted sharing this information and tried to fight down the blush that undoubtedly covered his cheeks. The guy's frown had now turned into a small smirk and his eyes were no longer filled with worry but something else that Yoongi couldn't quite read.

A sort of syrupy but also high-pitched laugh left the other and Yoongi was intrigued, to say the least, until the boy spoke that is. "Like what you saw, eh?" He winked at the now even more flustered Yoongi. Why would he even ask that? That was so unnecessary. "Guys usually compliment my ass." He turned to display his... behind.

Yoongi really tried to not look but the guy in the window got to burst out into another fit of golden laughter as Yoongi ultimately failed. Flashbacks of the other's hip-bones sinfully peaking out from his loosely fit towel made Yoongi's heart beat a little faster. Out of embarrassment, of course.

"Do you- are you?" Yoongi was back to square one (where he couldn't form whole sentences) and he was sure that he looked really fucking stupid right now.

"Flirting with you?" The guy in the window chuckled and raised a brow at Yoongi. That's not exactly what Yoongi expected, but he kind of wondered that too, among other things. "Most definitely." And that definitely wasn't what he expected.

"I-uh, sorry dude, but I don't bat for that team." Yoongi rubbed his neck awkwardly and tried to hide his blush. It didn't seem to be working though as the guy rolled his eyes at Yoongi, in a very lighthearted manner, but still. "What's that's supposed to mean?" Yoongi asked, looking up at the other through his bangs, a bit afraid of making eye-contact with him.

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