Chapter Six

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Minutes had passed and I was still in Michael's arms, my crying had calmed down and my heart rate decreased. I began to unravel myself from his arms and looked up into his eyes with a smile. He smiled back.
"We are going to have to get a move on, they'll find us if we stay for much longer." He spoke quietly. I nodded and got onto my knees, Michael copied my actions and began to crawl through the vent with me following.Once we had got to an opening, Michael jumped through, landing as quietly as he could and held his arms out to me.

"Come on Daisy, I'll help you down." He whispered, hurriedly. I placed my legs through the gap and felt hands come into contact with them. I released my arms from the vent and grabbed onto Michael's shoulders as he lowered me down onto the floor. We had managed to get to a, what seemed to be, safe place. I quickly pulled him into my arms, whispering "thank you" in his ear before he grabbed my hand and guided me through the prisons corridors.
Minutes later we were outside a door which appeared to lead to boiler room of some sort. Michael whipped his body round to face me and placed his hands on my elbows.
"Can I trust you?" Michael asked, looking into my eyes.

"What?" I replied, confused.
"Can I trust you?" He repeated, louder than previously.
"Yes , Michael, you can trust me." I answered hurriedly, still oblivious to why he had asked such a question.
He turned back around and opened the door. I was right, it was a boiler room of some sort, pipes filled the space and a scalding hot heat was felt around me.
"Michael why are we in a-" I was cut and a dragged behind a wide pipe, my back pushed up against the cold metal. Michael was stood in front of me, our bodies barely an inch apart, with his finger against his lips,
"Shhh." He whispered softly.
I was confused until I heard heavy footsteps moving towards where we were. They were travelling very quickly, so it was obvious they were running. I looked up at Michael and he was already looking at me. We stared into each others eyes, not moving just looking. The moment was interrupted when a door slam was heard, to noise echoing through the now empty room. Michael pulled away from me, still holding onto my hand and took me to an opening in the wall. He climbed into it and lifted me up into it. He lead me through a series of pipes until he stopped in front of a hole with what appeared to be some sort of metal within it. He knocked on the metal and it began to move revealing Sucre's face. I was in shock.

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