Chapter Eight

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(This is kind of a filler.)
Guards had been searching everyone's cells looking for evidence to show who killed their colleague, Tyler Robert Hudson. Bagwell had threatened to tell the guards about the plotted escape if we told did it, with persuading I agreed but I still want justice for Bob and I will get it.
Michael updated me on the whole 'escape' plan and I was stunned as he explained. I wasn't sure how he thought he could do it but his planned seemed well thought out and I knew he could do it. He's invited me to come along too, I've accepted knowing I wouldn't last 6 hours wothout

Charles Westmoreland is a gentle and quiet man who is often seen wapiti his cat, Marilyn, he is very respected and trusted by the prison community, that's why Michael wants him on our side.
We went out onto the yard and saw him sat on his lonesome. We approached him sitting either side.
"Mr WestmoreIand." Michael greeted him.
"Hey, Michael, Daisy." He replied, sending a quick nod in my direction.
"You found your cat yet?" I asked, curious. Marylin had ran off during the riots.
"StiII MIA." He replied sadly.
"You couId aIways get another." I suggested.
"I don't want another.Besides, it's a moot point." Charles spoke softly. "She was grandfathered, once she's gone, no more pets."
"Wouldn't be an issue if you were on the outside." Michael said.
"StiII tugging on that Ieash, eh?" Charles politely scoffed.
"Yup." Michael Said. "And this is the part where I extend a formaI invitation."
"Cos you stiII think I'm DB Cooper?"
"I don't think, I know." Michael said. "The way I see it, you're in here doing 60 to Iife for vehicuIar manslaughter. It wouId have been 20, but the car you were in was stoIen. FeIony murder ruIe cubes every sentence and here you are."
"Hitting that woman was an accident."
"But the car? No one accidentaIIy steaIs a car." Michael said, "So the question is, why wouId CharIes WestmoreIand be in Arizona boosting a car ten states away from where he Iived, and onIy ten miIes from the Mexican border? And why, two days before that, wouId someone make a phone caII to his wife from a moteI in PortIand, a stone's throw away from the airport out of which, shortIy after, fIight 305 was hijacked by one DB Cooper? Seven hours after the hijacking, records show CharIes WestmoreIand was treated for a busted knee at a free cIinic in Brigham City.
OnIy way to get from PortIand, Oregon to Brigham City, Utah in seven hours is in a car breaking every Iand speed record known to man, or fIying. It's pubIic record DB Cooperjumped out of that 727 about an hour after takeoff, taking a dive at 10,000 feet with 1, 5 miIIion in cash and a hastiIy packed parachute might make for a pretty rough Ianding, rough enough to shatter some bones.Maybe even a Ieft knee."
Charles' hand moved down and laid over the top of his left knee.
Michael continued.
"DB Cooper wouId have had a car waiting for him. According to DMV records, in 1971 CharIes WestmoreIand was the proud owner of a '65 Chevy Nova.As it happens, a '65 Chevy Nova with the registration number scraped off was found abandoned with a bIown gasket aIong the Arizona border, a miIe or two away from where you accidentaIIy hit that woman with your stoIen car." He finished.
"Interesting story." Charles acknowledged.
"Interesting man." Michael replied.
"But you didn't answer one thing." Charles spoke, smiling faintly.
"What's that?" Michael asked, taken aback that he had missed something out.
"Maybe I did hurt my knee, I did steaI that car, and I did accidentaIIy hit that poor Iady." Westmoreland began. "But how couId I have hijacked a pIane in PortIand on November 24th when I was in FoIsom finishing up a 30-day drunk and disorderIy? I hope you weren't hanging this whoIe escape on that money, cos I'm not the one in possession of it."
With that Charles stood up, and looked down at Michaels wide eyes.
"Thanks for the invite, though."
All afternoon myself and Michael had been looking for Marilyn in hopes she could help persuade Charles to help us get into the guards break room. We eventually found her by the chapel in the yard.
"Come on, kitty.Come on." I spoke.
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." Michael said. "Yes, that's a good girI."
"Come on." I said.
"I don't beIieve it." Charles spoke in awe as we handed him his beloved animal "Thank you."
"You're weIcome." I replied.
"Where'd you find her?" Charles asked looking up at us.
"In the yard, by the chapeI."
"Why do I get the feeIing there's a string attached to this?" Charles simply said.
"Not a string." Michael started. "Just a favour."
"I'm not DB Cooper." Charles said, almost frustrated.
"That's aII right." Michael spoke, "Cos it's not gonna take DB Cooper to do what I need done."
"What's that?" Westmoreland asked curiously.
"AII I want you to do is take a certain coffee pot into the guard room at a certain time, and turn the burner on."
"Let's just say it'd be in everyone's best interests if a fire were to start in there."
"MariIyn, did you think he was the arsonist type?" Charles spoke quietly to his cat.
"I'm not." Michael interrupted, "I'm the cIeanup crew type, the type that gets access to aII kinds of tooIs."
"MichaeI, I'm gratefuI for this, I reaIIy am, but I've made it a point to keep my nose cIean ever since I waIked into this pIace." Charles said solemnly, "If that paroIe board date ever comes, I want to be ready, I can't jeopardise that."
He stood up with Marilyn in his arms.
"Sorry Michael. Thanks, though, reaIIy."
Once again I was with Michael during PI also stood with the muscled bald man who I now knew to be Lincoln Burrows, Michaels brother.
"I need out." He spoke quickly. "I gotta find him."
"You wiII." Michael reassured. "Soon."
"They're coming after my famiIy." Lincoln said.
"You gotta trust me" Michael said, "We're gonna get this done."
''How? TeII me, MichaeI." Lincoln demanded "TeII me."
Michael went silent.
"You can't, can you?" He continued. "I gotta get outta here now. LJ's in troubIe."
Lincoln walked towards the exit, dropping down behind a box of some sort. As he prepared to set of into a run, Michael grabbed him and pulled him to the ground.
"If you go out there they wiII gun you down." Michael spat.
"I don't care any more." Lincoln replied almost as venomously.
"You better start thinking." Michael spoke, "Cos you can't heIp LJ if you're dead."
"What the heII's going on in here? Huh? We got a problem?" A guard spoke walking over.
"No." Michael simply spoke.
"WeII, then get on your feet." He yelled. The guard looked as if he was going to say something else however was pre interrupted with a voice through his radio.
"Fire!" The voice yelled. an alarm also began to sound.
"Son of a- What the heII's going on at buiIding two? Come in." The guard said into his radio.
"Fire in the CO break room." The voice through the radio spoke.
The three of us inmates looked at each other with shocked yet happy smiles.
"Thanks." Michael said to Charles as we saw him walking in the yard.
"I didn't do it for you." He replied in a sad tone and turned, walking away.

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