6. the way you drink your coffee

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The way you drink your coffee.

I fell in love with the way you drink you coffee.

Weird, I know.

I know your coffee order by heart by now.

"Iced Grande soy latte triple".

I always said it for you while you scrolled through twitter absentmindedly and smiled when I got it correct.

I remember the first time your coffee order changed when you went vegan.

For the first couple times, I always brought it wrong.

Sometimes I'd mess up the sugar, sometimes the milk. Sometimes I'd mess up the whole order in general.

You always still drank it.

"Wait. It was half a tea spoon wasn't it?"


"I'm sorry. I'm an idiot."

"It's fine it was still good."

It wasn't anything important. The fact that I learned to bring the right coffee.

But your smile when you took the first sip, already set up for it being too sweet or too bitter and then realizing it was just right, was important.

The sixth thing I fell in love with was the way you drink your coffee.

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