chapter 3: Am I dreaming!?

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I watched as the boy turned around, I noticed it was Connor Franta, yes the Connor Franta.

I stopped and just stood there, looking like an idiot I waved with my mouth open, still trying to let it function, the fact I am Our2ndLife's Neighbor!

Connor smiled at me and waved back, he then surprisingly signaled for me to come outside. My legs felt like jelly, I was shaking uncontrollably. I slowly made mt way to the balcony door and opened it, I stepped outside, infront of Connor and smiled. I took a deep breath and looked to the chair by his balcony door, on it sitting, was Ricky, Jack and Sam.

I was trying my best not to start fangirling, I didn't want to scare them. Before I could say "Hi," Ricky got up and walked over to me.


I took a deep breath before replying

"Hey Ricky, I think you might remember me, I recently tweeted you I was moving to here and you said maybe we could meet some time"

"Oh yea! I remember you!!!!"

I smiled so big, Ricky remembered me. Yea I tweeted him a couple hours ago but still, he remembered ME!

Jack then stood up and walked over to me.

"Hey I'm Jack, and this is Sam and Connor"

He said, motioning to Sam and Connor as he introduced them.

"Yea, hey! I watch your videos on YouTube! Our2ndLife and your channel are my favorite Channels to watch"

Jack smiled when I said this.

"Awe thanks" he remarked

Jack then pulled me in for a hug, I hugged him back.

"Now since you know us, may we ask what your name is?"

Sam said smiling

"My name is Samantha"


Sam yelled, I slightly giggled.

"You are probably wondering where the other boys are, aren't you?"

Connor asked

"Yes, I actually am"

"Jc left about 30 minutes ago to the store, he should be back soon, Kian is with Andrea at the beach, and Trevor is inside sleeping right now"

All of sudden the door opened, we all looked over and in the doorway stood Jc.

I just stood there, shaking.

Is this real life!?

"Well hey there Pretty Lady, what's your name?"

Jc asked, smiling

I started to tell him my name when all of a sudden Connor yelled,


I smiled, I walked to my balcony door and opened it, I picked Tuna Roll up.

"Yes, her name is Tuna Roll! I kinda based the name on food, like Wishbone"

I blushed in slight embarassment.

"Awe! Did you do that just because of Wishbone, for us!?"

I heard Jc ask me.

"Actually yes."

I replied smiling.


Jc looked so confused. I walked inside, put Tuna Roll down, and picked up my pennyboard. I walked back outside.

"This is Jc"

I showed them my pennyboard

"We all should go pennyboarding right now! You want to?"

Ricky asked

"Actually, I'd love that"

I replied smiling

I'm going to LOVE living here, I thought to myself, smiling.

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