Who's Theodorakis MaxField?

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I put my books for my next class in my backpack before I shut my locker. I walked to my Biology class with my head held high and eyes straight looking forward. Not even bother to turned around to the voices that were clearly talking about 'the new girl' as they say about me. All of them were practically screamed 'money' and 'power' but I didn't cowered back and lower my head because that was the only way to survive this prison of hell called high school. They couldn't know I was from a low class family. Pretending was the only way to say that I fit in- even though I knew I didn't because my family wasn't rich. Hell we were broke. But maybe my mom's new boyfriend would help us out of our poverty just for a while.

I chose to sat at the front table near the teacher's. I didn't care if people called me nerd of some sort, I wanted to finish high school with good grades, I wasn't going to mess this up again. This was my last year.

"Good morning class," The teacher's deep voice boomed, making us all turned our attention to him and sat up straight.

He had a very light blonde hair with bright emerald green eyes, a big round glasses hang on his crooked nose. He wore a white lab coat with blue button up and black trouser underneath.

A chorus of 'Good morning John.' heard throughout the classroom. He put his briefcase and books on his table before he came to stood in the middle of the room.

He clasped his hands together, the loud noise echoed through out the silent classroom. "Okay class, today we are going to do a research on animal's cell by using a microscope," he stated.

"I want all of you to put all of your things inside your bag- including your cellphone, then put your bag on the corner of the room. If anyone happens to be caught during the class with a cellphone, I'll take it and leave the headmistress to deal with you. Is that understood?"

Everyone only hummed as their response.

"Is that understood?" He repeated, this time he put more pressure in his voice.

"Yes sir." Everyone almost groaned.

• • •

It's lunch time.

I dragged myself to the cafeteria after I put all of my belongings in my locker, feeling the dread ran trough my body, a weave of nausea arose in my throat. My stomach was doing a flipping, funny dance thing of nervousness as I neared the place. The cafeteria was in the east section building, right next to gymnasium.

Lunch was the most horrible part in high school that I have to face beside introducing myself. Being in there was just the same as classifying you on which group you belong to.

I crossed the well-known park of Roosevelt High, past the magnificent  tall sculpture of an angel amid the beautiful fountain in the middle of red sea of roses.

A ghost of wind blew past through me, my long wavy blue grey hair was flying uncontrollably, suffusing my vision for a split second before I fixed it. But I was too late because the next thing I knew, my body collided with something hard and warm, the harsh impact sending me backwards and I couldn't seem to balanced my weight so I fell. I shut my eyes tightly, ready for the impact, but thanks to my luck this time, it never happened.

I opened my eyes slowly, peeking through my lashes, but the sun blinded my vision. I narrowed my eyes slightly, trying to catch a glimpse on who bumped onto me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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