First Day

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"Sometimes, being a human is hardwork."

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The sound of a loud noise blasted in my room filling the quiet morning atmosphere with an annoying screech. But being a heavy sleeper as I was had it own profits, like the noise wouldn't bother me at all.

The blaring alarm goes on and off for awhile, seeing that I set it on repeat last night to try to at least get a small response from my unconscious body. But it didn't work out as planned. The alarm had given up on waking me up.

I didn't want to wake up any sooner but I found myself floating back to consciousness slowly. My mom was practically continuously yelling downstairs, telling me to get up since it was my first day of school

First day of school, how lovely. I snorted.

I dreaded this day. This was one of the few reasons why I didn't want to move out from our last hometown. But I guess the luck was never in my hands because every time I got comfortable enough around my new environment, my mom forced us to move away again- which was sucked. And I had to move to another school. I seriously argued with her over this other 'move out' motion. Because we had been there for like 5 years long, I already found myself best friends. We acted like we'd known each other our lives, even though it was only 5 years. Besides, I loved that town. It was quiet and calm, not too hectic.

Those were the reasons why it was so hard for me to move away again. After all these times, why now? Why not try to find the right time where I didn't have some loving and caring best friends. Why now? Why let me got comfortable around them then just tore me away? It was hard enough for me to trust a single soul let alone landed myself four best friends. But at least I got to go away from him.

I felt my heart suddenly constricted in pain. Tears sprang in my eyes every time my mind seemed to go around this topic, I wanted to cry, but I didn't let myself to. I was anything but weak.

Yeah call me anything you want, but if you put yourself in my place, practically running around the continent, leaving someone you loved- You'd know how I felt. All these shitty feelings were beginning to drown me.

But admit it- you're happy you don't have to face him any longer.

Yeah, I was happy.

I wished this was the last time. No more moving out because I- sure as hell- won't be following her around anymore. I almost turned eighteen and I was grateful for that. One more year. I thought to myself. Another year of hell.

No matter how much I loved my mother, she was still a shitty mother to me. I missed the old her, where she constantly always smile, just being herself and cheerful. Not this alcohol-addict sorrowful woman who constantly wreaked her anger towards me. Father's dead was the major culprit for her sudden severe changes in behavior.

But I was fine with it as long as she didn't touch my little sister. I had put enough shits with her over the years. My little sister didn't need to feel the nasty experience that I had encountered from mother for the past few years. I was enough. I won't let her touch the only person that matters to me now. The only person I had. She was the sole reason why I had put up with mother this much years. She was my strength. My only source of hope. I could've ran away, but I chose not to. I wasn't that selfish to left my sister alone with mother.

I sighed heavily, thinking about this won't get me anywhere, it was only going to release my demons again. And no, I couldn't face them. I would not let myself to. I was not that girl anymore.

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