Part 2

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JungKook POV

Oh god! What should I do.. My Yein..

I can't believe what I see in front of my eyes, Yein body now full of blood. I feel like my soul gone just like that, even it's hard to me for moved I force my self to get Yein whom now fell on the road without moved.

The lorry that crash Yein just go like that and the those gangster leave me alone without help me call ambulance. When I arrived at Yein my heart feel so hurt when see Yein unconscious and the more bad things is Yein's leg injure badly.

"Yein-a, I'm sorry this is all my fault. Yein-a don't leave me, I love you so much. I want live with you until our old days. I'm sorry Yein, I'm sorry. Weke up Yein-a..." said me while crying. I don't know what should I do and what I just want now is my Yein back.

"Jungkook-a, what happen..." said someone from my back, I turn my head, it's TaeHyun Hyung.


"This all because my fault, if I stay loyal toward Yein all of this will never happen. I'm stupid, bad boy, selfish..." said me disappointed with my own attitude.

After Taehyun arrived at our house and he shock look at me and Yein conditions so bad then he call ambulance without any question to me. After that, we arrive at hospital and doctors come to check Yein condition and his said that Yein need get operation as soon as possible. I agree with that.

Now, I'm in front operations room wait for Yein. I still blame myself, if I not let Hanna come in to my house all of this will never happen and I will not face this. This is what we call 'karma' if we do something bad we will face the bad things but why Yein need get this why not me?

" Yein-a, sorry. I'm the bad boyfriend and I can't keep our promise. This is all my fault!!! My fault.." say me again and again while hit my chest hardly. My heart so hurt that's why I punch my chest.

"Yahhh! JungKook stop. What are you doing, past is past. You can't blame yourself, what you need now is strength to face this" said TaeHyun beside me and hold my hand from continue hit my chest.

"It's hard Hyung, i don't know I can face all this or not.." say me weak.

"You can JungKook-a" said TaeHyun again try to calm my self.

I will try my best to face all this and I know this is my fault and I should take a responsible. When I want stand up from the chair someone yell my name.

"JungKook-a!!!" I face and I see Sujeong run toward TaeHyun and me. I can see her sad and angry feel in her eyes. Why she angry?


Sujeong slap me hard and push me away.

"Sujeong-a , what are you doing?" ask TaeHyung shock with Sujeong action. Ahh.. My cheeks so hurt.

" This is all because you JungKook. You think I don't know, when Yein at London you cheat on her, go out with another girls, from the first I not believe when my friends said that they see you at club with another girl but now I can believe that rumor but why because your stupid action, Yein should get this!" scream Sujeong while cry and she hit my chest hard and push me away from operation room.

"Sujeong, stop it!" say TaeHyun try hug Sujeong that continue beat me. I just stay silent and not move.

I'm hurt too Sujeong-a

"Go away from here JungKook, I don't want Yein meet man like you! Go away and don't try to look Yein again. Go away!" tell Sujeong angry.

I don't want Sujeong-a, she is my life and my soul, how come you said to me for leave her?

Said my inner voice, still can't trust with Sujeong action. I don't want leave Yein fight herself in the operations rooms and I want accompany her until she open her eyes and I will tell everything.

But, Sujeong still can't face the fact and continue push me while cry. When she start feel tired beat me finally she stop beat me and sit on the floor still cry.

I see Taehyun hug Sujeong from her back to make Sujeong more comfortable and Sujeong hug Taehyun back..

"Taehyun-a, what should I do. My childhood friends now in operations room, what if something worse happen to Yein. How would I explain to her? I should said her useless boyfriend make her turn into like this?" said Sujeong with strong voice and glare at me sharp.

"Sujeong-a.." said TaeHyun don't know how to calm Sujeong.

"What are you doing here, don't you hear what I said? Go away!" tell Sujeong almost want beat me again but TaeHyun hold her tight.

"JungKook-a, I think better you go back home first and change your clothes. Anything about Yein I will tell you. Okey" said TaeHyun

"Arasoo... Hyung" reply me hard to follow TaeHyung directive. Then I walk out from hospital and go to my house.

Yein-a, wait me. I'll will come again

[time skip]

Finally, I arrive at home and I step in the bathroom and look at myself through mirror in front me.

"JungKook-a, what are you doing? Don't you know this is the biggest stupid things that you have do in your life! Isn't Yein is the best one for you but why you still act like human that not have brain? You still want act like a child!" said me to myself because I feel so bad about my life. If I can turn the time I want back at time when I sent Yein to London.

I want said to Yein that I will wait her and loyal to her if anything happen and I will never step in on Entrust Club.


Sujeong POV

I still wait Yein in front operations room with TaeHyun then I look at him sleep already beside me. Actually, I feel sorry to TaeHyun because my action before. I sigh hard and make TaeHyun wake up from sleep, after a few seconds he wake up and look at me. I can see he is very tired now because he need stay back at office last night and I know he not get proper sleep anymore.

"Oppa, you can go back home and sleep. You look so tired and I'm worried about your healthy" said me and grab TaeHyun hand. He smile to me.

"It's okay, Sujeong-a. I will accompany you till Yein out, how could I leave my girlfriend alone here."

"It's okay Oppa, Yein's parents will come here in few minutes. I will stay with them and you can go back to home sleep. Okey!"

"Herrmm... Arasso. If anything information about Yein condition please tell me as soon as possible. Okey!" I nod and say bye to her when he walk out from hospital.

I look at operation room door and sigh.

'Yein, what should I tell to your parents?'

To be continue..

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