Please No More Questions

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In the Demension of Love
The Castle of love
"Wait,What!How did you two do that?"Oyota asked."We're aren't allowed to tell you."Yuki replied. "Why not?"Ai asked."There are many reasons too"Yuri said with shivers."Wait a minute what were the reasons again?"Yuki asked. "Umm isn't Shiro and Sora are enough"Yuri said."Oh ya your right"Yuki said."What's so scary about them?"Reiji(DL) asked."You really don't want to know"Yuki and Yuri said with their scared faces.
"Well let's just drop the topic"Yuki
said."Guys just follow us,if you guys want to home"Yuti said. "What if we don't we want to follow to you guys?"Yuma asked.
"Well you creatures can't really survive here,so"Yuri said."Really? Do you know who we are?"Ruki
asked."Yes vampire" Yuki whispered the last part.

~~~Time Skip~~~
When the guys stop asking questions and follow the twins until they're at a dead end
"There it is"Yuri points at the main place."It's a beautiful place,but how are we going to get there?" Tsubaki asked."Oh wait we forget to activate it,wait how to activate it again? "Yuki said. "I'll activate it" Yuri said.Yuri snaps here fingers twice and puts one hand on her chest."I command you to let me and these creatures cross." The bridge magically appeared."Woah how'd you do that?"Syo said. "Magic"Yuri replied. "But that's not real"Ai said. "But you saw it right" Yuki said."Just follow us"The twins said.

In the main place
The twins opened the door. Sora, Shiro and the triples were waiting there."Finally,what took you guys so long to get here?"Sora asked.  "Well,these guys kept on asking questions"Yuki said."Good so they do have questions for us to answer to"Shiro said."What do you mean by that?"Reijj(DL) asked."Aren't you guys curious about this place?" Shiro asked."Yes,we are but why are we here?"Ukyo asked. "Just tell us your questions and we'll answer them."Shiro and Sora said. "First of who are you guys?"Kou asked. "I'm Shiro Hearts,this is my twin Sora and this is Haruka,Ema and Yui their triples"Shiro said."Next what's with the angel wings?"Ayato asked. "They're cupid wings"Sora replied."What's the difference between them?"Camus asked. "Cupids aren't that big as angel wings"Haruka said."Hmm do we know you from someone?"Syo asked as he points at Haruka."I'll give you a hint,in the human world I'm called Haruka Nanami"Haruka said."Haruka is that you?!"Cecil asked."Yup it's me"She replied. Soon,the Mukami and Sakamaki Brothers also realize Yui,even the Aashina Brothers realize that Ema was in front of them.

What will happen next?!

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