The Lightning Brothers

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(Sorry for not update this story for a while)

Yuki's Pov
Oh my god!This storm is so stormy!
*Lighting strikes in front of me*. Gawh!This is so scary!*Lighting strikes again and sees other cupids than Yuri and the triples*.Who are they?!"Who are you cupids?!"Yui called out to them."Heh~What do we have here?~"said a little boy with a playful tone.Some lighting struck near them and showed their faces cleary to us.

Some lighting struck near them and showed their faces cleary to us

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(Sorry if you don't like it,I tried)
Oh so the boy kid said that."Who are you guys?"I asked."Hmm wait, you cupids look very familiar"the guy with glasses said.Oh no,please don't tell me we're going to have the same fight again like Yuri and I had in our mission."We're the Lightning Brothers of the Storm Kingdom.I'm Hayato,the oldest brother"the guy with glasses said.
"I'm Ryota,the second oldest brother"the guy with purple hair said."Hi,I'm Riku the third oldest" the guy with blue hair said."I'm Yuto,the youngest brother"the guy with blonde hair said."Ne~,now it's your guys turn~"Yuto said."Fine, we're triples of the Hearts Family. I'm Haruka,this is Ema and that's Yui"Haruka said."And we're the Hearts twins,I'm Yuki and I'm Yuri"Yuri and I said."Hearts?Oh you mean from the Cards Kingdom?"Hayato asked."That's correct"Yui said."But anyway,why are you guys here?"Ema asked."Oh we were sent here for some business"Riku said."What kind of business?"Yui asked."You know,the kind of business between kingdoms.Like food,supplies and other stuff"Ryota said."But there is a small problem"Yuto said."What is it?"Haruka asked.I hate to ingore this conversation but this is so stormy and it's getting me too wet. Wait,why do I feel water in my boots?*Thinks about it*.Oh no!*Looks at my boots*.And they were just new too!!*Crying inside*.Why did this happen to me?Was I too careless?

With Yuu and the boys
Yuu's Pov
Man,this is getting ridiculous.Oh your wondering what's happening here then it's just.......well somewhere in between weird and ridiculous.They've keep on asking questions on my little dolls and, Nagi and Kanato keep asking about my little Yuri,for some reason. Hmmm,Who are my little dolls you ask?Well there my precious little siblings of course.What?Do you think that's weird?W-well if you do,then.That's fine,I understand that everyone has their own opinion about everything."Hey Yuu"Ayato said to me."What?"I asked."Do you have any funny stories about the triples and the twins?"Ayato asked."Hmmm,wait give me minute to remember"I said.Now now let's see...........,ah ha I'll tell them about that incident. "Ah yes I've remembered one but it's a little bit long but it's still a funny one"I said."Oh really,I'll hear it"Laito said."Oh me too"Wataru said.Then all them gathered close to me."Okay,Yuu-chan you can start"Natsuki said."Fine,it happen a few years ago.I call it the 'The Iceing Incident'..................

(Yuu is narratoring)
Yuki was out doing a sole mission and Yuri was in the kitchen trying to make a new cake recipe.Yuri was almost done,she already had put the cake batter into the oven and had prepared too.She left the kitchen for a short break.While she was gone,the triples snuck in. They probably got attracted by the cake's scent.They were for a while, but I went in to check on them,but all I saw was a huge disaster.(Oh what was it you ask?Well be patient.)The triples decided to taste some of the iceing,until they realized they ate it all!But then something else happen,Yuri came in the kitchen at the worst time.
"Where's my bowl of iceing?"she asked emotionless."Um Yuri we have good news and bad news"Yui said."What is it?"Yuri asked."Well the good news is that your iceing was really good and the bad is that.."Ema said nervously."What is it?"Yuri asked again."Y-your iceing is gone"Haruka said quickly.Yuri fell on her knees as she heard that.
We were waiting for her reply but she quickly snapped.Yuri had her scyth out and was chasing the triples for two hours or something.

~End of Flashback~
(I've forgot to mention this earlier but the triples were in middle school and Yuri was 8 when this was taken place)

To be continued.........................

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