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{This whole chapter is gonna be on Yuki's Pov}

Yuki's Pov
Why?!Why could this happen to us?!*Yuri winks at me and I wink back*.Okay Operation:Secret Leave on go!What?You guys want to know about 'Operation:Secret Leave'.Okay then!Well to summarize it,Yuri and I have to stay silent for some time(unless a question has been asked or something else)and leave without anyone noticing.Hmmm,but how long should we wait?*Checks imaginary 'totally not fake' watch*.
Ah yes,for only 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes and a few questions (Still Yuki's Pov)
Okay it's been a while and I nearly lost my patients,but it's time to finally leave!!*Sneaks away with Yuri*.I feel like a ninja but without dark clothes,but still their so cool!Right?*Sneaks out successfully*. Yes!Okay,mission complete!Now we just have to change out of these wet clothes and these soggy wet boots!Yay!Hmmm,wait what was I talking about again?Oh ya,no more soggy boots!

~~~Time Skip~~~~
*Yuri and I change into the picture from up above*.Ah,this is so comfy and warm.Now I kinda feel sleepy.
*Yuri hits me on the head*."Ouch! What was that for?!"I asked."Don't sleep,we still have a mess to deal with"Yuri said."But-"I said.*Yuri interupts me*."I'm also tried but.
Hmm,we could go back but since we've escape we can probably"she said."We can probably what?"I asked."Well we can probably have a little break,just make some snacks and tea.You know,to get some of our energy up"Yuri said.
"Sure,let's do that"I replied."Okay, but remember to be quiet"she replied.*Sneaks out with Yuri*.

Moments later
Okay we're nearly there,just some more steps."Hey Yuki,Yuri long time no see!"a voice said from behind us."Wah!"I said in surprise.
*Turns around and sees,Ami and Aito*."Oh Ami,Aito nice to see you guys"I said."Nice to see you guys too"they said."Oh by the way,why are you going to the kitchen?"Aito asked me."To have a short little break,you know with some tea and snacks"I replied."Oh can we come too?"Ami asked."Sure"Yuri said.
*Yuri opens the door and I go in with Yuri,Ami and Aito*.

In the Kitchen
Okay let's start making some snacks and tea!"Wait,kind of tea should we make?"I asked Yuri."Um Earl Grey(References!!) or some-thing else"she replied."Oh okay"I said."Want us to help?"Ami and Aito asked."Na,it's okay we can handle it"Yuri and I said."Okay if you guys say so"they said.*They also sit down and wait for us*.

~~After Some Time~~~
Okay we're done,wanna see?Here!

Pretty right?!Hmmm,looks so delicious,right?"Can we eat it Yuri?!"Ami,Aito and I asked

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Pretty right?!Hmmm,looks so delicious,right?"Can we eat it Yuri?!"Ami,Aito and I asked.*She sighs*,"Go ahead"she replied.*Ring Ring*,oh so it's my mirror this time.*Picks it up*,"Hello~"I asked.
"Yuki,Yuri!"a stern voice came from it:aka Shiro."Oh um sorry wrong number!"I replied*then quickly hangs up*."Was it Shi-nii by any chance?"Yuri asked."Sadly"I replied."Aw come on,*munch*why couldn't they handle them?We did most of the work toda-,I mean yesterday"I whined."Yuki,we can bend the rules"Yuri suggested. "Well that's true"I said."So what should we do?"I asked."Probably something like.................."Ami said.

To be continued................
If you guys were wondering what does Ami and Aito look like then here.(Ami:girl,Aito:boy)


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