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Kellin, Vic, Mike, and Tony all walked through the parking lot towards the tour bus. Once again, Kellin found himself having these odd thoughts about Vic. Meanwhile, Tony had the same thoughts about Mike. It was all so weird and nobody knew what to do. Except, Tony was sure that he actually liked Mike.

When they finally stepped inside the bus, Vic spoke up. "So what movie do you guys feel like watching?"

"Anything scary." Mike insisted.

"I don't know but I'm too tired for this, sorry guys." Tony said.

"Well it doesn't matter.. Scary is fine." Kellin added on.

They began to watch The exorsist, and at one point, Mike fell asleep. Kellin became very nervous and uneasy. He kept looking over to Vic, until he caught Vic actually staring at him. From then on everything was just so quick and confusing cause the next thing he knew, he had moved across the couch and was now sitting right next to Vic.

"Hi.." Vic said in a cute shy, quiet voice.

Kellin thought it was the most adorable thing he had ever heard. He was a little turned on, too.

"Hey." Kellin snapped back into reality and almost panicked "I should go back to my bus now, it's late and I'm pretty tired."

"No problem Kellin. See you tomorrow." they were both whispering now.

Kellin just hummed in response and made his way out of the bus.

He walked back into the cold air of the night and he jogged through the packed parking lot to get to his bands tour bus. He had a lot of thinking to do. But for now, he actually was tired and just needed some sleep.
As soon as he opened the door, he was met by Gabe.

"Dude where the hell have you been? You said you were just gonna wait for their set to be over and come back!"

Kellin laughed at how dad-like Gabe was.

"Calm down. We ended up going back into their bus and watching a movie."

"Well next time please text one of us. I thought one of the crazy fans Kellin-napped you or something." Gabe always made jokes like that towards Kellin. He, and the rest of the band was well aware that Kellin was favored by the fans.

"Yeah whatever. Mom."

Soon enough, Kellin was in his sleeping clothes and sprawled out in his uncomfortable bunk. He started thinking more and more about Vic. The only way he could find out if these feelings were for a reason, was if he actually kissed Vic. But he couldn't do that. For now though, all he could do was dream. And that's exactly what he did. He dreamt. About Vic of course. That's how the rest of the night went. Just one big dream of Vic, who Kellin was now positive he had feelings for.

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