Chapter 4: Roses

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I woke up with the sun shining right into my eyes, and Tyler singing “Wake up, sleepy head!” right in my ear.

“Tyler?” I whispered.

He leaned forward, “Yeah?”

I grabbed the pillow from underneath my head and hit him in the face with it. “Go. To. Hell!” I shouted, slamming my pillow back down onto my bed and burying myself underneath my warm sheets.

“Jake, can you come in here for a sec?” Tyler shouted, and I ground my teeth together. Why was he making so much noise? At an ungodly hour of the morning too!

I heard Jake’s footsteps getting closer to my room, and then nothing. I frowned, and just as I was about to peek out from underneath my comforter, my sheets were ripped back. Jake and Tyler grabbed one of my ankles each, and dragged me right off the end of my twin bed. I twisted just as they let me go, causing my butt hit the floor hard, and I let out a loud “OW!” while they stood there laughing their heads off at me.


“You have to get ready for school!” Jake cried cheerily.

I jumped to my feet, rubbing my butt. “That friggin’ hurt, assholes.”

“Oh, wow, Ivy. That is so attractive,” Tyler said sarcastically, and then Jake and Tyler both burst out laughing again. I pushed them out of my bedroom and slammed the door shut behind them.

I muttered darkly to myself, ignoring my now sore behind as I tried to make my bed. I gave up after a few seconds; pulling up the comforter and sheets so that they atleast covered my bed, I turned and grabbed clothes from my drawers. I pulled on my favorite black jeans, and a white tank top. I grabbed my warm, light purple hoodie too, just in case.

On my speedy run down the stairs I passed one of our old clocks. Gasping, I ran even faster down the stairs. I was so going to be late.

  I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth at top speed. And without a chance for a proper breakfast, I threw my lunch into my school bag, grabbed a granola bar and sprinted out the door, locking it behind me.

 Jake and Tyler were already a little ways down the street and I sprinted to catch up with them.

“It’s about time!” Tyler said, shaking his head at me.

“Shut…up.” I weezed.

“Hey, don’t pass out on us,” Jake said, looking over his shoulder at me.

“Yeah, ‘cause I’m not carrying your ass to school,” Tyler said.

“Oh…shut…up..” I said again. I inhaled deeply through my nose as I stumbled after them.

When we got to school, we still had ten minutes before school started, which was annoying. I could have eaten breakfast. Ugh. I waved good bye to Tyler and Jake, since they were a year older than me I only got to see them at lunch.

I headed to my locker like usual, feeling relieved at not being late for school. My sudden good mood vanished when I opened my locker, and low and behold, there was a large bouquet of red roses sitting on top of my stack of textbooks.

 I stared at it, mouth hanging open. People walking past me in the halls peeked into my locker with the same shocked and confused expression that I was wearing.

“What. The. Hell.” I reached out to pick it up, seeing a card stuck in the midst of roses. I grabbed it, opened it, and glared at it.

May I have the honor

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