I See the Moon

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"You are correct; as always, my goal is just to help the human race. This has just been a side project of mine for the last few centuries. One that I believe is about to pay off." Mavok replied in his usual calm, calculating tone.

As Mavok spoke, Aladdin finally found the melodies coming from Mavok. Reaching for the younger man's mind, Aladdin glimpsed the world the way Mavok saw it, full of swirling colors rather than harmonious melodies. He saw the usual ideas, ambitions, and memories that he saw in the minds of Djinn, but something was different. Something was off about the scene. He just couldn't place a finger on it.

Then Mavok smiled, and everything vanished.

~ (o) ~


Thomas shouted in pain as a vast rhythm pounded through his head, filling every part of it and making it feel like it was going to burst.


He frantically leaped out of bed, having been woken in the middle of the night by the poundings. He couldn't see. He couldn't think. All he could comprehend was the enormous pulsing that seemed to come from everywhere at once.


Timothy was awake now. He'd turned on the light and he was unsuccessfully trying to stop Thomas from running around the room and colliding with things.


Timothy finally tackled Thomas, forcing him to stay still. Thomas was covered in sweat, panting and clutching at his head.


"Thomas, THOMAS! What's wrong!? Is it something to do with the magic? Is it something to do with the rhythms? Focus, buddy, FOCUS! You can turn them down! This is just like when you put it on the first time! CONCENTRATE!"


Something Timothy said registered through the pounding. Thomas turned inward, avoiding the pulses, shoving them out, focusing instead on the strange object pricking his shoulder as he lay on the ground. Its rhythm was familiar, and he clung to it, emptying his mind of everything else.

BUMMMM. BUMMmm. BUmmmm. bummmm...

The rest of the pulses faded away, leaving only the small, steady rhythm of the object. Slowly, Thomas opened his eyes to see Timothy kneeling over him, his face a mask of concern.

Thomas sluggishly sat up from where he was laying on the ground. Although Timothy offered him a hand up, Thomas shook his head and instead reached behind him for the object that had helped him back to reality. To his surprise, it was the golden bottle cap that he'd found in the rubble a week before. He stared at it, trying to understand why was there. It must have fallen out of his pants when he changed into a new pair. When he'd kept it, he'd put it in the hidden pocket inside his jeans, which would explain why neither Timothy nor any of the rescue people had found it. 

While Thomas continued to stare at the cap, Timothy left and came back with a cup of water and a popsicle.

"Feeling better?" he inquired, handing over the items to the still dazed Thomas.

Setting the bottle cap down, Thomas accepted the popsicle and water. As he drank, he tried to wrap his mind around what happened.

He'd been having the strangest dream. It wasn't from his point of view. Rather, it was from another ring-wearer, or, what was it that he called himself, a John? Gen? No, Djinn. A djinn, that's what the other man said the people who had the rings were. Some sort of predecessor of the word "genie".

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