Act 3 Scene 2

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Act 3

Scene 2

Uncle Edgar and Dimitri are at the house. Dimitri is in the kitchen cleaning dishes while Uncle Edgar sits at the table.

Dimitri: Uncle, I need to talk to you about something. [rinse off a dirty plate]

Uncle Edgar: [confused, looks up at Dimitri from the table] You do now? Well, come hither.

Dimitri: [dry off the plate you had just rinsed with a towel and go to sit next to Uncle Edgar] What would you do if you were in love with another girl but she is betrothed to marry another man?

Uncle Edgar: Are we talking about Anabella?

Dimitri: [raise eyes in shock] Uncle? How did you know?

Uncle Edgar: ‘Tis obvious is it not? First off, you go to her own engagement ball, then you say her name just about a million times in your sleep, and then lastly, the fact of all the love letters you have wrote to her but have never sent. [laughs]  It is pretty obvious.

Dimitri: [gasps] You went through my trash?

Uncle Edgar: Well, someone has to clean up after you. I know for one fact that you weren’t raised in a barn.

Dimitri: [sighs] I just don’t know what to do Uncle.

Uncle Edgar: Tell her you love her.

Dimitri: [scoffs] Yeah, if it was only that easy. I mean for heaven’s sake Uncle, her father would have my head if I told her that. If my parents were still alive and we were rich, he would understand. Though now we are less fortunate so there is no way for her and I to ever be together.

Uncle Edgar: Find a way my dear nephew, there has to be some way to tell her without telling her directly. You do love her don’t you?

Dimitri: Well, of course I do Uncle.

Uncle Edgar: Then find a way to tell her. Love never fails my boy.

Dimitri: [smile happily] You are right Uncle, I will go find her right away.

Uncle Edgar: That a boy, I never thought this day would come that my nephew would fall in love. [smile]

Dimitri: Uncle! [laugh]

Dimitri exits the scene to go and search for Anabella.

Uncle Edgar: [looks up at the ceiling and laugh] Oh Charles, [smiling] if you could only see your boy now.

Curtains close.

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