Chapter 11

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Autumn's Pov

It's been a week since I've seen Percy, Annabeth and Grover. I didn't care about Annabeth or Percy but I can't wait to see Grover again. When I came back to camp I heard we had a new camper. Her name is Karina, she has long straight dark brown hair, light brown eyes and even if she looks cute she is one heck of a good fighter. Well it makes sense since she is the daughter of Ares god of war. We became best friends very quickly and when I told her about Percy she was ready to walk out of camp and kick his butt for me. Karina is one of the funniest people I ever met, she's also very kind but I learned not to get on her dark side because it is like bloody hell in there!

"Hey guys did you hear the news!? Percy and his friends are coming back today." Sydney told us. She left running towards other campers telling them about the news. "Great Percy's coming back with Annabeth" I said sarcastically. "Don't worry me and Valentine will be there for you every minute." She pushed my shoulder playfully. Valentine was Karina's boyfriend. He had light brown hair with green emerald eyes. He was the son of Apollo so he loved to play music for us. He's one of my closest friends here at camp. "Let's just get this day over with!" I got up and headed for our next class: Sword fighting. Valentine, Karina and me had the same classes so the only time weren't see together was when we go eat. I consider myself as a good fighter when it comes to fighting with a sword but I'm not as good as Karina, no one is as good as Karina. But today I felt stronger and I actually won against Valentine which is pretty amazing because he's the second best in our class. When we finished our three classes it was time for lunch. After eating I went to Karina's table. When I sat down I saw that Karina was almost done. All of a sudden I heard the Aphrodite kids,mostly the girls, start screaming something about Percy arriving. Everyone got up and ran towards the people who had saved Olympus from turning unto a war. Well everyone but Karina,Valentine and me. "Come on I'm going to greet Grover!" I pulled her arm and Valentines to were the crowd was. My friends haven't met Grover yet so I was exited for them to meet him. When I saw I'm standing beside the crowd I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. "Grover how come your not with them in the crowed?" I asked I'm after letting him go. "Because it was Percy and Annabeth who gave the bolt back because I stayed behind in the underworld until Percy asked Zeus to bring me back to camp. They're were only 3 pearls and we were four so I stayed." He looked behind me seeing my friends smiling and waving like idiots. "O this is Karina daughter of Ares" I said pointing at her. "And this is her boyfriend Valentine, son of Apollo" I said pointing to him. "Hi nice to meet you!" He said. "Luke was the real lighting thief, he was working for Kronos" Grover told me. I was shocked. "Well I gtg guys see ya around." Grover waived at us. Suddenly Karina pushed my shoulder and showed me that Percy was coming over to see me. "I can't deal with this I'll meet you at the secret hide out." I screamed at them then running threw the forest. Me and Karina found a old cabin not to far from the camp but was still in the protected area of the force field. It was next to a small lake so we went there to chill out or take a peaceful swim. We fixed the cabin up and installed books, instruments and weapons in there. When I arrived I sat on the send and dipped my feat in the water. A few minutes later I heard foot steps coming. I thought it was Karina or Valentine. When I turned around I saw Percy coming up to me. "How did you find me?" I asked him. I felt my anger coming up fast. "I felt your presence in the water." He didn't dare look into my eyes and I was glad because the truth is I still like him. I tried to reject it but it kept coming back. "Go away Percy I don't want to talk to you" I practically growled at him. "I know but just hear me out" he sat down next to me. "I know you saw me kissing Annabeth but I wasn't. She kissed me and I quickly pulled away. I told her that I liked you not her. When Grover told me you left to go back to camp I swear to gods I thought of you every second of every day. My heart broke in pieces and I hate myself for what I've done." He looked sincere. I felt my anger cooling down. "The truth is I like you" he paused and it hurt."I'm madly in love with you" I was shocked. Percy just confessed his love for me. "Well I hope you didn't expect me to just forgive you but I did lose a bit of my hatred of you. " I said while getting up. I was about to leave when I saw him looking at the water. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek and left. When I told Karina and Valentine what happened they both looked at me. "You kissed him!" Karina yelled. "He told you he loved you!" Valentine shouted at his turn. "Shhhhh you guys someone might hear you!!" I looked around to see if anyone was here. I turned to see them looking at each other and then me. "What?" I asked. They both smirked. "You still like him don't you" the said at the same time. "Pfff ya right... Does it show" I asked. We were interrupted by by the horn that told us to head for dinner. When I was done throwing all of my food to the gods I saw Clarisse, daughter of Ares, talking to a Percy and to some guy with... One eye! I ran up to them and shot Clarisse a death stare. "Get lost Clarisse we all know that your just jealous that M. D didn't let you go on a quest because you weren't good enough" I smirked at her and watched her leave stomping to her table. "Hi I'm Autumn" I pulled out my hand to the new comer who a cyclops. "Hi I'm Tyson son of Poseidon." He shook my hand. I sat down and saw Percy who looked confused. "What happened between you and Clarisse" he asked me. "I beat her at sword fighting and I humiliated her in capture the flag" he looked surprised when I said sword fighting. "Well I better get going it was nice meeting you Tyson!" I waved and left to join my friends.


A/N: so what did you think? I really want to hear your thoughts of this chapter so if you wouldn't mind please comment your thoughts on it!


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