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The sun shone down on me as I walked down the busy streets of upstate New York. The headphones I had been wearing were clutched protectively in my hands as I walked. My blue eyes searched the vicinity for the bastard I could feel was following me, or any accomplices he may have. Off the bat I knew that I wouldn't be able to pick them out from the busy New York crowd, but I knew they were there, I could feel them watching, waiting for their partner to signal when.

I walked a couple more blocks before the crowd started thinning out and I knew they would do it now. While no one was there to watch, no one there to witness the attack, but that was alright, I was ready.

I walk only a couple more steps until I was grabbed roughly and pulled into a dark alley. As the mugger turned me towards him, a smile stretched across my face.

Let the games begin.


I growled lowly as Harry's phone went to voicemail again. What was he doing? Wait. Never mind I don't think I want to know.

As I lift the phone to my ear again, I glance across the street and see a man in everyday clothing, following closely behind a girl with long purple hair. I watch for a couple minutes before I see the man grab the girl and shove her into an alleyway. Before I can think, I have drop the groceries in my hand and run across the street. This side of New York wasn't quite as busy as Uptown New York, but it was still plenty busy and I was honked at more times than I can count on both hands, but I didn't care. I just wanted to make sure the girl was okay.

But the attempt was in vain, because as soon as I got to the mouth of the alley, I found she had taken down the guy who grabbed her, two of his lackeys and was fighting with the fourth. I didn't know what to do. Do I step into the alleyway and announce myself? Or allow her to do her thing and go back to the store to replace the groceries I had just wasted? My phone made the decision for me just as she was delivering the final blow to the guys head, knocking him unconscious instantly. The ringing cut through my shock, and attracted her attention to me. As she started towards me, I took my phone out and pressed accept.

"Liam?" It was Louis. Probably wondering where I was. I was too shocked to do anything but make a tiny noise as the girl came closer and closer. "Liam? Hello? Did you butt dial me again?"

As she stopped in front of me, she cocked her head to the side, eyeing me obviously.

"Hellooooo?" I looked away from her intimidating eyes. I had momentarily forgotten that Louis had called. Before I could say anything, She took my phone out of my hand, hit end call, but instead of handing it back to me, she reached around and put it safely in her back pocket.

Again, we stared each other down. This stare off lasted ten minutes before She finally spoke.

"Who are you?" Her voice surprised me. I expected her voice to be soft and sweet, but it was  rough and demanding.

"I-I" I couldn't speak. Her eyes were intimidating.

Her blue eyes flickered to my mouth and back again, an eerie grin spilling across her face, "Did you come to save me?" She asks, inching closer.

I swallowed thickly, nodding since I wasn't able to answer with actual words.

"Awe" she cooed mockingly, the eerie smile twisting into an ugly sneer, "Isn't that sweet? What'd you think would happen? You'd save me and I fall into your arms, gushing over you being me 'savior?'"

"N-No" I mumbled, shifting backwards. She followed my movement hers seemingly subconsciously.

"Then what?" She spat, rolling my her eyes, "Did you think you'd save me then we'd go back to yours and f*ck all night?" She laughed mockingly, stepping closer. I stepped back as far as I could go before my back hit the brick wall of the alley.

She backed me against the wall. This is how I am going to die. God help me.

"N-No I didn't" Good. A full sentence, keep going Liam. "I thought did just make sure you were okay. Not that you didn't look like you could handle yourself, I just.. You're a girl, and I thought, wait no, that came out wrong"

Great job, Liam, you really did a good job.

When I was done explaining, we stared at each other briefly before she began laughing. Loudly. I gaped at her in disbelief, not believing the change in her personality even though I had seen it first hand.

As she laughed, she threw her head back, revealing a faded scar on her throat. Unthinkingly, I reach towards her and before I know it, I am on the ground, pain shooting through my wrist, head and back, and She is above me, her booted foot on my chest, and anger in her amber eyes.

"Don't try that again, or I'll really break your wrist" She warned, taking her foot off of my chest.

I sat up, wincing at my sore back. She had moved to the mouth of the alley, only looking back when I grunted in pain. Instantly, guilt and worried filled her eyes as she rushed towards me hitting her knees and grabbing my arm.

"What's wrong?" She gushes, searching my face and body  for any external injuries. When she sees none, her panic level rises, "Ohmigod I hurt you didn't I? I'm so so so so sorry, I didn't mean too, I was just... You can't go around reaching for girls' throats. How was I too know you weren't going to rape me?! Oh my gosh I am so sorry"

Again, her personality transformation stunned me. There was no way this was the same girl who took down four grown men, put another on the ground and didn't even break a nail.

"Hello?" I snap out of my thoughts when I realize her panic level has risen again because I hadn't answered her rambling.

"I-I'm okay, just. Can you help me up?"

She nodded and grabbed me gently, pulling me up. I was surprised at her strength but really she had to have some sort of strength to take down four grown men.

Just as I was standing on two feet, we heard groans behind us. The others were waking up. I looked to her and realized she was no longer the friendly girl that was gushing about hurting me, but the warrior I had stumbled upon.

She left me against the wall and stalked towards the guys. I would have stopped her had I not know that she was able to take them. As she reaches them, I turn my head not able to stomach the screams of pain and snap of bones. I only turn my head around when soft hands touch my face, turning me towards her.

"Are you okay?" Now her voice was how I expected to be. Soft and fully of worry. Not the demanding tone of a girl who had obviously been through too much.

"I- I think so" I mumbled as I stumbled while trying to walk. I didn't make it a foot in front of me before I felt my knees buckle and crashed to the ground. "No. I'm not okay" I called out.

I heard her laugh ring out in the dirty alleyway and instantly relaxed.

"I'm going to have to help you home. Look like your 'Saving me' plan worked" she joked, pulling me back up to a standing position and throwing her hand around my waist. She helped guide my hand across her shoulders and both of us stumbled slowly to the mouth of the alleyway.

The light of the sun hit me and I suddenly realized how cold I had gotten while in that alleyway. As we reached the opening, I stopped us, turning towards her.

"What?" She smiled.

"I didn't... I don't" I stopped, closing my eyes and gathering my thoughts, "I didn't come to save you and take you back to my room. I'm not like that. I came to see if you were alright. You know that, don't you?" I bit my lip nervously, watching her closely.

To my complete surprise, she smiled widely, "Yes Liam, I know"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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