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*in the Garden of New Eden *

The Queen spends most of her free time in the great garden know as New Eden. Its the biggest and most beautiful garden in the entire Kingdom;nearly as beautiful as the ancient Garden of Eden itself.

Its a place of inspiration;a paradise which everybody wishes to see. The Queen passes most of her free time taking her daughter for a walk around New Eden, although sometimes, Melafina and Allain's friends are also with them.

*sudden end of flashback*

"You sure like to have daydreams ,anyways ,sorry for the interruption princess, were about to depart in search of Dai ; we got a lead on her. " Vexx notified.
"Well, then, be on your way"

Final preparations ready and they begin mobilizing, but before they all left,Allain said an inspiring last quote:
"May the spirit of the warrior always be with you;please,bring her back". Allain said while trying not to cry.
"Don't worry your highness, we'll bring her back,promise ". Jack said while they bid farewell to the princess and set off to locate their lost childhood friend and one of the finest warriors the kingdom has.

The princess stares at the horizon as the heroes go on their way to save a great friend which can help win this wretched war which has taken the lives of countless innocent people and that could bring the end of the realm of Etherea itself.....

Will the Ethereans be successful and rebuild their kingdom or will they fall in the face of an unrelentless enemy??

Welcome to Fantasy World:Last Hope.


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