Bruce x Reader Pt 1

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You had been living in the Avengers Tower with your "brother" Steve Rodgers for the last few months. Interesting enough, when Steve was frozen in ice all those years ago, his blood had been harvested before he left to fight in the war and you were actually made from his DNA. When he found out about you and how you had no family other than him, he took it upon himself to always be there for you and to basically take care of everything you needed. He discovered you after Natasha had found a classified file with Steve's last name, and they both looked into it, expecting it to be about the super solider serum. What they weren't expecting was to see the picture of a young woman who bore a striking resemblance to Steve on the first page. 

It told them about how you'd been a lab expirement, built from Steve's DNA in a test tube to see just how far the serum could go. You were a super solider just like him, but modified when you were nothing more than a blob of undeveloped flesh. He brought you in to live with him and the Avengers and ever since you came here, you've had such a huge crush on Bruce, and you'd caught him looking at you from the corner of his eye more than once. You feelings atrted as a childish crush, more intrigued about the Hulk and how he developed it, finding yourselves kin in a way. As you got to know the scientist, your feelings gradually began to grow, building into a more mature form of feelings, much to Steve's disapproval.

Today, you wandered around the tower completely bored. The others had all left to do whatever it is they do for the country, and with you not being an Avenger, you were able to just wander around the tower in your free time. You'd grabbed a random, long sleeved, (y/f/c) shirt that roughly went past your mid thigh, almost to your knees and wandered the tower. Tony and you had gotten along very well with you being more interested in the science aspect of thing compared to your male counterpart, so he allowed you to use the lab whenever you wanted so you figured you'd head down there. You grabbed a pony tail holder from your wrist and tossed your (y/h/l) (y/h/c) up before heading down to the lab, your feet patting the floor.

You had your iPod with you so you decided to put your earbuds in and listen to some music from your Spotify playlist as you walked into the lab, shaking your hips around as you grabbed some of Tony and Bruce's notes you loved looking over. You were so immersed in the music and the notes, you didn't even realize Bruce was on the other side of the room, eyes looked on your dancing form...

As soon as you had walked in, Bruce froze in his place from the other side of the room. His dark eyes scanned over your whole body, taking in your long, lean legs and slender neck and 'Is that my shirt?' You indeed were wearing one of his shirts, and he loved it on you. You were looking over their notes, nodding your head to whatever song you were listening to when you spoke to yourself, "Wow, Tony and Bruce got pretty far into this stuff. This is amazing! Well, anything Bruce does is pretty damn amazing. I mean, he's probably the smartest person I know! Not to mention totally sexy..." You mumbled the last part to yourself, but he'd heard.

As soon as the words left your mouth, you found yourself pinned to the table, unable to look behind you at the culprit. You knew whoever they were most likely wasn't a threat seeing as how they'd gotten into Tony Stark's lab of all people, but you were still curious on who it was. They had to be strong to move you the way they had, your muscles tensing like steel under your skin. One of your earbuds was pulled and lips ghosted across the tips of your ear, "So, you think I'm sexy, huh?"

You gasped, nearly jumping out of your skin from the intensity of the chills that raced across your skin and down your spine. "Br-Bruce! I-I didn't know y-you were h-h-here!" You stuttered out, the words sounded muddled and heavy, your tongue wasn't moving, it seemed even internally you were paralyzed all just from the man behind you. 

"I can see that..." He murmured thoughtfully as he pressed his hips tightly against your behind, shifting so you felt his very hard erection pressing very insistently between your cheeks. You could feel your face heating up, a flush starting from the apples of your cheeks and most likely spreading down to the top of your chest. You were almost grateful that in that moment, you were faced away from Bruce so that he couldn't see your face.

"Did you know that you're wearing my shirt? A bit rude to take other peoples clothing Ms. Rodgers, what should I do to you as compensation?" Bruce nipped at your earlobe, his teeth gliding along the smooth skin of your throat. 

Alright so this is going to be a 2 parter since I've been a bit busy. I'm sorry it took so long but I've been so busy AF Suicide Squad and you get the point.

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