Chapter 2: Party Killer

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I take a sip of my strawberry smoothie as Dean answers the question. We're currently sitting outside at a little café not too far from my job at the diner. He's my sociology study partner. Yes, we tried dating at one point but we both realized that we're better as friends. I'm not in that place in my life, who knows when I'll ever be. When I woke up for my shift at the diner Jas and Reagan were passed out in our living room. They looked a hot mess and never again will I let them convince me to go clubbing when I have to work the next day. I nearly wanted to kill myself when the alarm went off. The sound of a car slamming on its brakes distracts me from answering the next question. Oh shit, to my right is the same all black Range Rover I was in mere hours ago. How the heck did he find me? Matteo walks around to us in the same clothes from last night. He roughly grips my arm pulling me up out my seat.

"What the fuck did I say Danica?" he yells in my face, the vein in his neck seconds from popping out his skin.

"Hey, come on dude you're hurting her" Dean says standing up.

Matteo glares at him, "don't fucking speak to me before I kill you."

"Let her go and we won't have any issues." I had to give Dean credit for trying to stick up for me. It was actually sweet even though Matteo would eat him alive.

"You want to try something pussy? I should kill you for just looking at my woman!"

"I'm not your woman!" I yell trying and failing to remove myself from his tight grip.

"Shut the fuck up Danica! Let's go!"

"We're busy" Dean interjects glaring at Matteo. If looks could kill Dean would be twenty feet under. Lord knows Matteo is beyond annoyed with the both of us.

"It's okay Dean, we'll reschedule" I say packing up my bag as best as I can with Matteo's grip.

"Like hell you will" Matteo hisses before pushing me forward. I just want to freaking kill him. Who does he really think he is? He shouldn't be stalking my life or telling people I'm his damn woman.

Where in the hell did that come from? I've barely had a conversation with the guy and suddenly we're together? That makes no freaking sense at all. Never again will I listen to my stupid best friends and go to a club. Nothing good comes from it.

"I should fucking kill you!" he yells snapping me out my thoughts. "You didn't listen to me at fucking all then I catch you out on some date!"

"Well I can't be too important if you were gone the whole night and just noticed that I didn't stay. You had no right acting like you did! I don't know you!" I shout back, which quickly turns into a yell of pain as he grips my thigh tightly.

"You don't fucking question me. When I tell you to do something you do it! Disrespect me or disobey me again and I'll make this pain seem like a piece of fucking cake! Stop fucking testing me Danica!"

He releases my thigh and I rub it knowing I'll surely have a bruise soon. God he's such a damn asshole, what did I ever do to the Lord above to deserve such punishment. I always try to be the best person I can possibly be yet this is what I get. Some deranged stranger claiming me as his. Sure he's extremely sexy but that doesn't mean I want him all up in my space. If he thinks I'm going to be at his beck and call he has another thing coming. I have my own life to live I can't be bothered to deal with his shit twenty-four seven. The sound of a phone ringing snaps me out of my thoughts. I pull out my phone quickly answering it.

"Where are you?" Reagan asks sleepily.

"Being kidnapped" I state then watch as Matteo glares at me gripping my thigh again. "I mean spending time with a new friend."

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