When Lightning Strikes(Nico Di Angelo love story)

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I was oddly excited for the morning of my 15th birthday, I just felt like something was gonna happend-something good, and boy was i wrong.

As usually my mom woke me up at around 8:00Am sharp.

"Hunter, come on wake up. it's your birthday" she said shaking my shoulder

I came up with a very intelligent reply-something along the lines of "uhhh, me tired"

If you couldn't tell, I'm not much of a morning person. But i got up anyways and trudged my way to the bathroom while my mom went to the kitchen to make us both breakfast.

The apartment we live in isn't that big, we only have it because my mom and her friend bought it when they were going to collage and refused to pay the high prices to stay in the dorms. My mom herself is quite young, only 35, she got pregnant with me when she was 20 and still in school. I'll admit it's always been a bit tight in the money area, especially since i inhale any food i see but we've always made it though. Well more like my mom made it though, shes a high school teacher-at my high school(which we were running late for, mainly for me my mom didntn't have a class first period), and a dance teacher on weak ends and Friday nights.

I picked out the first pair of jeans in the drawer, a pair of grey skinny jeans, then picked out a purple t-shirt and a black hoddie. You could say I'm not that big on color. I trudged to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. After i changed i went to the task of tackling my hair. It's always that hardest part of the mornings, I don't know who my dad is but i know he's responsible for me having hair that doesn't like to co-operate. My mom has straight brown hair, light blue eyes and fair skin. I myself have wild dark brown hair that falls just below my ears, piercing blue eyes and have more of a tan skin tone. My mom had always said i had my fathers eyes, the same color, the same intensity, the same power. I had no idea what she meant by the intensity and power part until, well i went out for breakfast. The battle between me and my hair wasn't as bad as normal so i guessed it knew it cut me some slack on my birthday. After one more look in the mirror and me sticking out my tongue to admire my new piercing, an early birthday gift from my mom. Now in total i have four piercings, both my ears, cartilage on my left ear and now a tongue ring. I smiled in spite that i get called 'emo' for my hair(it's not my fault my bangs don't like to stay in place and fall in my eyes) pale=ish skin, skinny jeans, my band t-shirts, my piercings and to top it all of being gay.

I walked to the kitchen and stoped dead in my tracks-a man with black hair and wearing a dark blue pinstriped suit was sitting at the table reading what looked like a news paper in ancient greek, and the weirdest part i understood  the news paper, i know i have dyslexia and ADHD but this is a bit to much, which is saying allot coming form someone who's been kicked out of 6 schools, and nearly been killed by many things that belong in a Greek myth book. M mom even seemed fine with having this odd man in her kitchen sitting at her table, that is presuming she knew he was here.

'uh, mom?' i asked keeping my eyes on the man sitting at the table

The man looked up and i was even more shocked i didn't even respond to my moms "yes?" the man had a proud face that had the same structure o my own, black hair that was gelled neatly, but his eyes were the worst for my part. his eyes were the same color as my own.

"Hunter are you OK?" my mom asked

It took while but i got out "who's the guy?'

In responce he just stood up a chuckled a bit, we were roughly the same hight so we both towered over my mom small 5'2 frame. I myself being 6'1, now knew where i got my hight from.

'well Hunter, this is your father" my mother finished

Again i was shocked, i looked the man now in front of me up and down. Tall, slightly muscular built, same eyes, roughly the same face structure, we looked fairy alike. And i was forced to face the truth, this was my father.

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