I'm going to thank you!(chapter 3)

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and here is wear you will practice your head-to-head combat" the girl named Drew from the Aphrodite cabin said cheerfully. I didn't know if she had to try to make her voice seem so anoying or if it was just her normal voice and i didn't want to hang out with her enought to find out.

Drew was of asain decent. She wore way to much jewlery, had perfect makeup, the camp t-shirt and denim shorts somehow complemented her fit figure. Over all she way fairly pretty for a girl, but i like guys. Now if only she would stop talking for a moment to let me tell her that.

"ohh!" she squealed, loudly i may add which distracted on the the pairs fighting.

"you have to meet some other children of the big three!' she said grabbed my hand and dragging me over to two boys at the farthest coroner of the arena. One looked about as tall as me with short side swept black hair, tan skin and bright sea green eyes, he was fit-well toned and muscled, he was wearing an orange camp t-shirt and jeans and he was grinning. he was winning. The other boy was slightly shorten then me, maybe 5'11? He had black hair that was a bit shorter then my own-it ended about mid-ear and fell in his eyes, he had pale skin and black eyes that gleamed in a wild, mad genius way. Like he knew he was mad but loved that he was, and he loved the way it made people shiver bu just looking at him. But the wild part it just added to the feeling of madness and i liked it. His face was deteirmend and set, he was losing and he knew it. He wasn't wearing an orange cam t-shirt like the other campers instead he was wearing a dark grey v-neck t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

With a grunt the boy with black hair and sea green eyes disarmed the other boy making his pitch black sword skid about 15 feet away.

"yay Percy!' Drew said jumping up and down and smling.

The other boys lips switched into a smirk, he had just seemed to notices us.

"nice fan club Percy, shall we see how much my undead army like you" the boy with the madman black eyes said. And as he said it his eyes seemed to gleam brighter.

"oh they'll love me" the boy named Percy stated

"alright then" the boy with black eyes said kneeling on one knee and putting his palm flat on the ground. He shot a devilish smirk Percy before he dropped his head and started whispering to the ground. I was able to catch a word or two-"rise", "serve", and "master" He rose just as the ground started to rumble, behind the smirking boy who had just talked to the ground in which the ground responded, the ground cracked open. Fire from the crack was licking the new fresh air and about two dozen skeletons in Greek battle armor crawled out standing at attention waiting for a command.

"attack" the other boy said, clear and sharp.

The skeletons acted on the word and charged, swords raised high. Most of them ran towards Percy who looked up to the challenge but a few(3) charged towards Drew and I.

Drew's eye went wide and she started stuttering "w-well g-g-go! s-sav-save me!" well at least she still knew who she cared about most- herself. I had to idea why or what i was doing but i jumped in front of Drew and did the only thing i could, brace myself to die. I guess i've lived long enough, but my mom-she'd be torn apart. Yeah i haven't lived long enough, meaning my only other choice was to stand and fight. But how? And the next thing i knew cold metal hit my shoulder, but not one of the bronze skeleton swords a pitch black one. I turned my head to look at the owner of the sword, his jaw was clenched, his black eyes focused and his neck and shoulders tense. I had just shockedhim, literally. And thats when i did most likely the stupidest thing i had ever done, i grabbed the nearest sword. OK i had to run to get it but it was the closest sword. Drew was looking at me oddly the whole time, still scared but oddly. I took a deep breath and ran back ready to fight. It seemed that the skeletons were out of control. Not even the guy who raised then yelling "stop! i command you!" didn't do anything. I ran towards the boy who raised the undead, never dying skeletons.

"hey dude!" i called rasing my sword in time to block a skeletons.

"what?' he yelled breathlessly as he swug his sword in an ark and disintegrated a skeleton. He seemed the only one able to keep them dead.

"whats your name?" i asked stabing my sword right to a skeletons backbone making him snap in half.

He looked at me losing focus for a moment almost getting himself killed but blocked it last moment.

"uh-Nico you? and why?' he asked cutting a skull off clean

"Drew said something about meeting other children of the big three and Hunter, Hunter Sinclair" I said ducking and whispering 'shit'

"other children of the-Zeus?" he asked dodging a blow

"uh-yeah, do you know how to ah-get my shocking thing to go wide range?" i asked earning a laugh

"shocking thing? I know a daughter of Zeus who can call down lighting, just focus" he said

A daughter of Zeus? meaning we'd be related?

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and made an unsaid prayer to my dad hoping i could chanel some power to get rid of a skeleton or two. I felt heat and adrenaline surging though me.

I heard a thunderclap, swords dropping and people panting before i opened my eyes to find no more skeletons and everyone who was helping in the fight looking at me wide eyed.

Everyone also seemed to be bathed in a yellow glow, everywhere i looked.

It was Percy who spoke first "hale..erm your name?" he asked

"Hunter Sinclair" Nico piped up

"Hunter Sinclair son of Zeus" Percy finsihed the kelt bowing his head. Other people fallowed what he did until the yellow glow wore off.

Drew was the first one up and bouced over to me.

"that was au-maz-ing!" she sang

"after you closed your eyes a lightning bolt hit you then it like multiplied. Like five different bolts came out of the tip of your sword and bounced off everyone else's swords really fast until all the skeletons were gone. I could only really see a flash of a bright white with a yellow tint, but the whole time you had a glowing eagle and a lightning bolt and everyone knows that a symbol of Zeus" she finished. Eyes way to wide and smile too big.

Her mouth formed into a small 'O'

"you know what? I'm going to thank you!" she said before grabbing my handand dragging me away again.

I heard some people snicker and others yell "good luck"

Drew just kept on dragging me and i tried to ignore them but people were saying good luck, when people say that it's never good.

She kept dragging me towards the cabins and towards an oversized barbie doll house. They were right i was going to need all the luck i could get.

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