Jason-Look-a-Like (chapter 6)

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Cleaning the stables. That was Thalia and my punishment for breaking into the big house, breaking a chair and apparently a vase that was a gift from the gods as well as getting coke stains on the carpet. The best part? The stables were already clean so we had no work to do. Thalia was catching up with everyone and telling them our first half-sister half-brother bonded time but she was making it sound way more awesome, not that i minded.

"you should have seem how he looked! It was so funny!" Thalia exclaimed

Everyone around us looked at me for a minute as to see if i still have chocolate syrup and chips in my hair.

"i could imagine that" Annabeth laughed and Percy kissed her cheek.

"NO PDA!" Thalia yelled pointing at them.

Just to make it better Annabeth smiled at Thalia, then grabbed Percy's face and kissed him full out. Yeah way to much PDA.

"come on" Nico spoke up this time

"some of us just got dumped" he said running a hand though his hair and i couldn't help but notice he had a silver captive hoop in his cartilage.

"sorry Ni-" i cut her off

"you have your cartilage pierced?" i asked hating my ADHD at that moment

Nico looked at me a bit shocked like he couldn't believe i had noticed it.

"uh yeah when i got it when i was thirteen, Thalia got one too" he said nodding over to Thalia.

"yeah and you were screaming like a girl" Thalia laughed

"actually you were the one screaming Thalia" Percy cut in

I laughed at that, yesterday she seemed like she seemed so fearless sneeking into the big house. But now? now way.

"you screamed getting a piercing?" i asked

"she even took it out after wards" Annabeth peeped up

"first Hunter it was scary. And second Annabeth i put it back in see?" she asked showing us a black stud and her drop skull earrings. The skulls them self were very, cute. They didn't really have the mouth part of the skull just really big eye holes, a small nose hole and a big forehead on top of that it had a pink bow, it was very cartooned.

"did you scream then too?" Nico asked cracking a smile

A slight blush started to creep onto her face and i couldn't hep but crack a smile as well.

"oh yeah she screamed" Nico added with a grin

Everyone couldn't help but laugh a bit as the Thalia Grace blushed in embarrassment.

Annabeth's face fell and soon fallowed by Percy's.

"Hunter!" Drew's annoying voice called

I had gotten the time to tell Drew i was gay and wasn't interested but it really only made things worse for me, now on top of hitting on me in the cheesiest ways passable she is also determined to turn me straight. Which we all should know is useless.

"what do you want drew?" i asked as she looped her arm in mine.

"can't we just talk?" she asked tightening her grip on my arm and battering her eyelashes

I tried to get my arm out of her grip but she had some major muscle.

"um, i'm kinda talking to someone else at the moment" i said still trying to get out of her grip

She finally took her eyes off me and glaceed at Thalia to Nico to Annabeth to Percy then back at me

"can i join?" she asked making the silence that much more awkward.

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