Hey - Chapter 17

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Hey - Chapter 17

"You don't have a fever, nor do you seem sick. Pale yes, but that may be due to first day jitters."

"But I feel sick. Can't I just lay down for a bit?"

"I suppose, but only until lunch is over. Can't have you missing the rest of the day."


"Alright, no more running away. I can do this, there's no reason why I had to run."

"Who just texted me?"

fbil: you okay?

niall: yeah im good

fbil: will you be coming back? liam still wants to show you around, zayn will be with as he's new too

niall: end of lunch

niall: nah its cool i can find my way

fbil: are you really okay?

"Why am I such a coward?"


any guesses as to who texted him/what the letters stand for? also, quick question; how are you enjoying the story so far?

Hey - ZiallWhere stories live. Discover now